display characters,words,strings on 7-segments/LEDs
I am very new to this.·
I studied these 2 books:· "What's a Microcontroller" and "Smart Sensor".· So far I gained some basic knowledge about Basic Stamp.
I would like to create a project that does this:
(I plan to use many 7-segments displays or many LEDs)
Every time each key is pressed (from the keyboard), it will be displayed on either the 7-segments or LEDs and will remains on.
The first entry-key will be displayed from the left of the board and continue to display to the right as the user continue his/her entries.
After·the user presses the ENTER key, all entries will flash on and off several time and then cleared out for another input.
Any one has·any·idea·to know where to starts would be really really helpful.· I probably need some larger board than the basic BS2 board from the "What's a Microcontroller" kits.
Thank you for your help.
I studied these 2 books:· "What's a Microcontroller" and "Smart Sensor".· So far I gained some basic knowledge about Basic Stamp.
I would like to create a project that does this:
(I plan to use many 7-segments displays or many LEDs)
Every time each key is pressed (from the keyboard), it will be displayed on either the 7-segments or LEDs and will remains on.
The first entry-key will be displayed from the left of the board and continue to display to the right as the user continue his/her entries.
After·the user presses the ENTER key, all entries will flash on and off several time and then cleared out for another input.
Any one has·any·idea·to know where to starts would be really really helpful.· I probably need some larger board than the basic BS2 board from the "What's a Microcontroller" kits.
Thank you for your help.
If you haven't looked through them, you should go through the Nuts and Volts columns (go to the main Parallax web page, select the Resources tab, then the Nuts & Volts Columns item. There are articles on displays and keyboards as well as lots of other useful things. Also, under the Resources tab, select the Downloads item, then Stamps in Class Downloads. You'll see the StampWorks manual. This has lots of sample hookups and code for pushbuttons and displays as well as I/O expansion which you'll need for the 7-segment or discrete LEDs.