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High Speed ADC and DAC — Parallax Forums

High Speed ADC and DAC

Scott HarrisScott Harris Posts: 2
edited 2008-05-09 22:47 in Propeller 1
I need to read a single ADC channel at about 100 kHZ and then send that value to seven other cogs that will do a few fixed point operations and compute seven new values to send to seven other DACs. So the loop is: read one voltage->compute seven values->send them out on seven DAC channels->repeat as fast as possible.

This is a closed loop control problem. Does this sound reasonable on a propeller? Does anyone have suggestion for appropriate ADC and DAC chips? I suspect 10 bits would be fine.

The application I'm working on is typically accomplished with DSP chips, but I'm wondering if something like this can be done on a propeller.

If 100 kHz is too fast, what sort of rates do you think I could accomplish?



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