Utilizing a 3.3v LDO and a 3.7v Lipo
Good afternoon all from the sunny UK!
I am making a project which will have solely 3.3v requirements (propeller, Gps, etc)·- I'd like to run it on a ~1000ma/h single cell Lipo.
My problem is the dropout on the LDO Regulator (~<0.5v) and hence only being able to use half the capacity on the battery before it drops the LDO regulators·output.
The only three solutions I have come up with are as follows:
1)· Use a two cell battery - don't want to increase size and weight really
2)· Use a bigger battery - ditto disadvantage as above
3)· Use a DC-DC step up jobby to 5v - best option so far - and sacrifice some battery in losses.
Anybody any other ideas?· If (3) - any small, easy to use, SMT DC-DC step up's to suggest?
Many thanks all,
I am making a project which will have solely 3.3v requirements (propeller, Gps, etc)·- I'd like to run it on a ~1000ma/h single cell Lipo.
My problem is the dropout on the LDO Regulator (~<0.5v) and hence only being able to use half the capacity on the battery before it drops the LDO regulators·output.
The only three solutions I have come up with are as follows:
1)· Use a two cell battery - don't want to increase size and weight really
2)· Use a bigger battery - ditto disadvantage as above
3)· Use a DC-DC step up jobby to 5v - best option so far - and sacrifice some battery in losses.
Anybody any other ideas?· If (3) - any small, easy to use, SMT DC-DC step up's to suggest?
Many thanks all,
Depending on what current you are using you might be able to use a shunt regulator. These are basically a resistor and a zener diode.
The trick is calculating the resistor value depending on your current draw, and the getting a diode that can handle the power.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Did you know that 111,111,111 multiplied by 111,111,111 equals 12345678987654321 ?
Look at Linear Technology's LTC3405A.· It would be a lot more efficient than a LDO or shunt reguator.
Yeah the range is 4.1/4.2 down to about 3v per cell is the minimum you should use - so i generally switch off at 3.2 or so. With the LDO and a ~~.3v droppout it becomes prohibative.
>You could run your gps strait off the battery.
the gps would be fine - but expects a very clean signal and obv. the propeller wants 3.3v to - so a reg of some form is required.
Thanks for the ideas guys - i'll check into it....
A DC-DC converter, is a good idea for maximum efficiency, there are some in a SOT-223 package (smaller than SO-8) that only need a couple of resistors and capacitors and a small inductor. They can give you good regulated 3.3 V in a wide range of input voltages.
Yes I am using proper charge controllers, etc.....
yes I've been looking and a good DC-DC or maybe a good switching-step-down might be the way forward....
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Have fun.
Cheers all,
Found a 3v LDO reg with 400ma capacity and 0.2v dropout. Discovered that I can run all the board off 3v (gps, prop, adc, eeprom and micro SD)
[h=1]TPS62291DRVT[/h]Would it be suitable for 3.7 Lipo to regulate down to 3.3 with an evil current draw of 700-800mA ?
I wonder if the IC can deliver that kind of draw if the Lipo is at 3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6 ...V
Welcome to the forum!
I believe Figure 22 in the datasheet answers that question for you. Of course, it also depends on the internal resistance of the LiPo battery as it's being drawn down.
Its basically a step up voltage circuit (bought cheap off e-bay)
Input Voltage: 0.9 - 5V
Output Voltage: 5.0 - 5.2V (I have attached a 3.3V regulator to the output stage .......)
Rated Output Current: 1000mA
The schematic labels indicate pretty unambiguously that it will deliver 3.3V @ 1A from a 3.3V to 6V input.
Does your design absolutely require 1A continuous output current? If so, I would strongly suggest stepping up to a different/higher-current device, or circuit with external switching MOSFETs. If you could get away with something a little less like 500mA, this device could be a good choice.
However... it's important to note this device is only a Buck converter - it can only step down. What you would really want for this kind of application is a Buck-boost converter. I've used these (ADP2503 and ADP2504) in previous designs with really great success. http://search.digikey.com/us/en/products/ADP2504ACPZ-3.3-R7/ADP2504ACPZ-3.3-R7TR-ND/1972290. Really, that device is just about the perfect solution for mid- to low-power battery applications. It takes in around 2.3V - 5.5V input, and delivers clean 3.3V constant output - it's almost like magic. However, just like the other device, even though it says "up to" 1000mA, you still have to de-rate it at higher temperatures due to power dissipation.
I often salvage the cells out of old laptop batteries (usually it is only one or two of the cells that are faulty) and usually tread the easy route of 8.4 Volts (2 cells) reg'd down to 5 Volts, and then reg'd down again to 3.3 Volts. None of which is stylish, efficient or small, ... but it's very free.
I have run a Prop straight from a single cell for a while with no failure, and often with a diode to drop off 0.7 Volt giving 3.5 - 3 Volts range. That is closer to the official figures and has that diode as a "Protection Feature".
Obviously these non official voltages are on a self risk basis.
I was tempted to use the Buck IC I proposed, because I would switch off the device at approx. 3.3V anyways.
But Kevin..... the IC you found is like tha magic wand I was dreaming of.....Fig. 4 from http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/data_sheets/ADP2503_ADP2504.pdf looks awsome. I hope ther are no other caveeats ....and its also cheaper than the TI solution .....
So long ...