BASIC STAMP 2 to control projector?
Hi everyone. I am currently on my final project, in which i have a problem. I want to make a system that enables people to control projector via motion detection. So i decided to interface a PIR motion detector to a BASIC STAMP 2 to a computer and than to a projector. Now is there any way to make BASIC STAMP 2 controls the projector? Because i want every movement makes the projector projects different objects. Do i have to make the basic stamp sends data to the VGA buffer?
many thanks for the help.
many thanks for the help.
The DEBUG command can send information to the PC just like it sends information to the DEBUG window of the Stamp Editor. You could write a program for the PC that reads this information from the same serial port and does something with it, but you can't really make it look "just like" the normal keyboard.