Basic Stamp Basic Input Output System
I don't know if i would call it a operating system or a BIOS? or it even works! ( I don't have a Basic Stamp... Yet
Maybe it will work.
Uses 84% of EEPROM
can make any pin "HIGH" or "LOW" and even "PULSOUT"
Post Edited (Matthew Burmeister) : 5/6/2008 5:43:57 PM GMT

Maybe it will work.
Uses 84% of EEPROM
can make any pin "HIGH" or "LOW" and even "PULSOUT"
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} 'BSBIOS 'Copyright 2008 matthew burmeister 'BSBIOS Version 0.01 beta 'BSBIOS sets up here '========================================================== command VAR Nib highpin VAR Nib lowpin VAR Nib dummyvar VAR Bit pulsoutpin VAR Nib error VAR Nib pulsouttime VAR Word pausetime VAR Word 'BSBIOS first message and version command '========================================================== version: DEBUG "version 0.01 beta" DEBUG "MBBIOS" DEBUG "Welcome to the BSBIOS" DEBUG "OR Basic Stamp Basic Input Output System" 'Display the commands the user can use '========================================================== commands: DEBUG "=========================================" DEBUG "1 - Make a pin 'HIGH'" DEBUG "2 - Make a pin 'LOW'" DEBUG "3 -'PULSOUT' on a pin" DEBUG "4 - Display Help" DEBUG "5 - Clear screen" DEBUG "6 - Display Version" DEBUG "7 - Exit BSBIOS" 'Get what command the user wants to execute '========================================================== DEBUGIN command IF command = "1" THEN GOTO makehigh: IF command = "2" THEN GOTO makelow: IF command = "3" THEN GOTO psout: IF command = "4" THEN GOTO help: IF command = "6" THEN END IF command = "5" THEN GOTO clear: IF command = "7" THEN GOTO version: DEBUG CLS error = 2 GOTO errors: makehigh: DEBUG CLS DEBUG "What pin do you want to make 'HIGH'?" DEBUGIN highpin IF highpin < 15 THEN error = 1 IF highpin < 15 THEN GOTO errors: HIGH HIGHpin DEBUG "the pin has been made 'HIGH'" GOTO commands: makelow: DEBUG CLS DEBUG "What pin do you want to make 'LOW'?" DEBUGIN lowpin IF lowpin < 15 THEN error = 1 IF lowpin < 15 THEN GOSUB errors: LOW lowpin DEBUG "The pin has been made 'LOW'" GOTO commands: clear: 'Clear the DEBUG screen '========================================================== DEBUG CLS GOTO commands: psout: 'Pulse out on given pin '========================================================== DEBUG "What pin do you want to PULSOUT on?" DEBUGIN pulsoutpin error = 1 IF pulsoutpin < 15 THEN GOTO errors: DEBUG "Whats is the pulse width?" DEBUGIN pulsouttime DEBUG "And how long will the Basic Stamp Pulse Out?" DEBUGIN pausetime PULSOUT pulsoutpin, pulsouttime PAUSE pausetime help: DEBUG "MBBIOS HELP" DEBUG "==========================================" DEBUG "High - This command makes a pin 'HIGH'" DEBUG "Low - This command makes a pin 'LOW'" DEBUG "PULSOUT - This command makes the Stamp Pulse out on a given pin" DEBUG "Hit enter to return to the menu" DEBUGIN dummyvar GOTO commands: errors: IF error = 1 THEN DEBUG "BSBIOS ERROR - Check pin number" IF error = 2 THEN DEBUG "BSBIOS ERROR - Check Command" 'Reset all vars '========================================================== error = 0 lowpin = 0 highpin = 0 pulsoutpin = 0 pulsouttime = 0 command = 0 'Asks if the user is ready to go back to the BSBIOS menu '========================================================== DEBUG "Hit enter to return to the BSBIOS menu" DEBUGIN dummyvar GOTO commands:
Post Edited (Matthew Burmeister) : 5/6/2008 5:43:57 PM GMT