How to trigger an old-style, twin-bell alarm clock?
Hi all,
I was wondering if any of you could help me out here?
I am designing a circuit for a friend who is a magician.· Basically, it's an Ultrasonic PING sensor that, when tripped, sets off an old-style, twin-bell alarm clock.· The authentic ring is what he wants to hear from the alarm.· The guts of this would be hidden away.
He·wants it to ring as long as he's tripping the sensor then stop when he moves out of the beam.··This should be done until the "flywheel" (? wind-up mechanism ?) on the clock/bell-mechanism runs out of power.· This means that he can do this 3-4-5 times.· Timing is up to him (to get out of the beam).· But it should basically be considered to be done a few times on a "full wind-up."
I have that working with a simple LED to substitute for the ringing the bell.· I also have the beam distance able to be calibrated with the turn of a pot (I think...been a while since I started this).
But here's my problem:· the clock mechanism is a wind-up one.· How would·I start and stop the ring of the bell?
Can anyone suggest a solution OR maybe another way to do this with a different typs of alarm mechanism?· Is there one that anyone knows of that has some type of digital interface and is already set up to do this?
BTW we cannot substitute a larger firebell or schoolbell for this.· It needs to be the size and esp the sound of an alarm clock.
Thanks in advance for any help!
I was wondering if any of you could help me out here?
I am designing a circuit for a friend who is a magician.· Basically, it's an Ultrasonic PING sensor that, when tripped, sets off an old-style, twin-bell alarm clock.· The authentic ring is what he wants to hear from the alarm.· The guts of this would be hidden away.
He·wants it to ring as long as he's tripping the sensor then stop when he moves out of the beam.··This should be done until the "flywheel" (? wind-up mechanism ?) on the clock/bell-mechanism runs out of power.· This means that he can do this 3-4-5 times.· Timing is up to him (to get out of the beam).· But it should basically be considered to be done a few times on a "full wind-up."
I have that working with a simple LED to substitute for the ringing the bell.· I also have the beam distance able to be calibrated with the turn of a pot (I think...been a while since I started this).
But here's my problem:· the clock mechanism is a wind-up one.· How would·I start and stop the ring of the bell?
Can anyone suggest a solution OR maybe another way to do this with a different typs of alarm mechanism?· Is there one that anyone knows of that has some type of digital interface and is already set up to do this?
BTW we cannot substitute a larger firebell or schoolbell for this.· It needs to be the size and esp the sound of an alarm clock.
Thanks in advance for any help!
The other option would be to use a regular servo to pull and push the alarm enable button (the thing you pull out at night and push in in the morning to stop the infernal ringing).
·"If you build it, they will come."
Jameco has a record/playback kit #645335 that records 20 seconds of sound. The kit includes a speaker. It probably
could be triggered by the Stamp to playback the ring as many times as you want.
There are many other chips/kits out there that can record for much longer times, can record multiple sounds, and can play
them back individually, at will.
Dave G