Hi-res VGA and Text Display
In order to conserve memory, I wish to use about 1/4 (250 X 200pels ) of the vga screen for a hi-res map·, ·with the rest of the display reserved for text using the rom characters. Presently I am using the 512X384 demo object which displays TEXT and VGA. How can I achieve this ? I guess that I would have to get into the nitty gritty of the object ?
In order to conserve memory, I wish to use about 1/4 (250 X 200pels ) of the vga screen for a hi-res map·, ·with the rest of the display reserved for text using the rom characters. Presently I am using the 512X384 demo object which displays TEXT and VGA. How can I achieve this ? I guess that I would have to get into the nitty gritty of the object ?
Here's a link to a 1024x768 demo that uses this (see first link on this page):
Also, if you look at the bottom of this page:
there are some changes I made to that file to move and resize the graphics windows...
Post Edited (Rayman) : 5/5/2008 6:58:41 PM GMT
I shall study same.
many thanks
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.