Opening the Debug Screen
I noticed the debug screen opens up with a simple debug statement.
I know it's possible to replace debug commands with their serout
equivalents. However, these do not open up the debug screen.
SEROUT 16, BAUD, [noparse][[/noparse]" "]
Is there a serout statement that can open a debug screen?
I know it's possible to replace debug commands with their serout
equivalents. However, these do not open up the debug screen.
SEROUT 16, BAUD, [noparse][[/noparse]" "]
Is there a serout statement that can open a debug screen?
- Stephen
' To send a control character, count the consecutive number of the letter.
' For example, A is 1, C is 3, E is 5 and so one. (See chart below)
' Then use the following format. [noparse][[/noparse]example sends a control (ctrl) M]
' SEROUT 16, T19K2, [noparse][[/noparse]13]
However, this result is linked to the editor screen, and is also the code to send a carriage return. Both cannot be the same! Refer to the serout screen formatting in the stamp editor help under the index of serout, to see the table showing the result of using the formatting number 13. So how can we send one control code one place and another control code another place using the basic stamp? Or will it take some special wiring to do this?
' 1 A
' 2 B
' 3 C
' 4 D
' 5 E
' 6 F
' 7 G
' 8 H
' 9 I
' 10 J
' 11 K
' 12 L
' 13 M
' 14 N
' 15 O
' 16 P
' 17 Q
' 18 R
' 19 S
' 20 T
' 21 U
' 22 V
' 23 W
' 24 X
' 25 Y
' 26 Z
- Stephen
but not the pc. Is there a way to send control
codes to the pc using the stamp? What would the
sample program look like?
i.e. a ctrl-M to bring up the memory map in the Editor, can
the Basic Stamp send it? Or the wiring is not there to do it?
I don't know if that is the version you need or not but QuattroRS4 has one or two posts related to the same issue I just posted the first link that came up in my search.
You will have to give thought to exactly what you want to achieve and to how the PC's applications react to keyboard and serial input.
Using a Visual Basic application you will want to know whether the·Stamp IDE·is open and has focus or if you need to search through the directory structure and have the VB app open the IDE for you. Only one application can own the serial port at any one·time so if you intended to use the debug window you would have to close the session from the Stamp to the VB app before using debug in the Parallax IDE. There are a multitude of if's and but's and a multitude of ways you could handle the situation, if you think a VB keyboard emulator would suit your purpose give a few more specifics on what you want. Opening the memory map is a straight forward operation if the Stamp IDE has focus and a valid program loaded but I don't see what purpose it serves. I think you have something else in mind if you can share it perhaps it can be done.
hope this helps
Jeff T.