stampplot problem
I am working my way thru WAM and am running into a problem with stampplot lite in chapter 7, exercise 3 which is where you measure some light values that are stored in memory and then read back. Everything works ok as far as measuring, storage and·reading back with the debug terminal. The problem is that when I try to display the data in stampplot lite the display makes no sense. I'm sure that I am not programming correctly; I do have the latest version of the stampplot lite, 1.7. I have attached a copy of the·stampplot output and below is my program. I have been in contact with the parallax help line; they could not figure out what I·am doing wrong and recommended posting here. The vertical lines appear to be the pairs of data points, but not necessarily correctly paired.
'read light measurement
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
time VAR Word
eepromaddress VAR Byte
····· "!TMAX 4", CR,
····· "!TMIN 0", CR,
····· "!SHFT ON", CR,
····· "!RSET", CR
'DEBUG " retrieving measurements", CR, CR,
'····· "·· Time······ Value", CR,
'···· " (seconds)", CR,
'···· "
", CR
FOR eepromaddress = 0 TO 58 STEP 2
· READ· eepromaddress, Word time
· DEBUG DEC2 eepromaddress
· DEBUG DEC2 time,· CR
The data should be;
time zero, 4
time 2 thru 24 seconds approximately 30
time 26 thru 40 seconds 4
time 42 thru 54 seconds approximately 30
time 56 & 58 seconds 4
In this program format the data comes back in the debug terminal in one column; time value time value and so on.
Note that the time scale only goes up to .34 seconds. I am sure that this is telling me something but I am not sure what.
This is driving me nuts, any help that you can provide will be appreciated. This should be so simple.
I am working my way thru WAM and am running into a problem with stampplot lite in chapter 7, exercise 3 which is where you measure some light values that are stored in memory and then read back. Everything works ok as far as measuring, storage and·reading back with the debug terminal. The problem is that when I try to display the data in stampplot lite the display makes no sense. I'm sure that I am not programming correctly; I do have the latest version of the stampplot lite, 1.7. I have attached a copy of the·stampplot output and below is my program. I have been in contact with the parallax help line; they could not figure out what I·am doing wrong and recommended posting here. The vertical lines appear to be the pairs of data points, but not necessarily correctly paired.
'read light measurement
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
time VAR Word
eepromaddress VAR Byte
····· "!TMAX 4", CR,
····· "!TMIN 0", CR,
····· "!SHFT ON", CR,
····· "!RSET", CR
'DEBUG " retrieving measurements", CR, CR,
'····· "·· Time······ Value", CR,
'···· " (seconds)", CR,
'···· "
", CR
FOR eepromaddress = 0 TO 58 STEP 2
· READ· eepromaddress, Word time
· DEBUG DEC2 eepromaddress
· DEBUG DEC2 time,· CR
The data should be;
time zero, 4
time 2 thru 24 seconds approximately 30
time 26 thru 40 seconds 4
time 42 thru 54 seconds approximately 30
time 56 & 58 seconds 4
In this program format the data comes back in the debug terminal in one column; time value time value and so on.
Note that the time scale only goes up to .34 seconds. I am sure that this is telling me something but I am not sure what.
This is driving me nuts, any help that you can provide will be appreciated. This should be so simple.
' DEBUG DEC2 eepromaddress
SelmaWare Solutions - StampPlot GUI for controllers, XBee and Propeller Application Boards
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
Propeller Workshop - Getting started & Using Video - Power Point and Spin Files
Post Edited (Martin Hebel) : 5/8/2008 1:21:15 AM GMT