CMUcam code help please
I am trying to modify the CMUcam code to suite my purposes.· What I would like to do is·use the·first and second functions to calibrate the camera for lighting and then store the color.· After it is·calibrated and·had the color stored, I would like it to move foward a·certian distance turn left,·go foward, turn right, and then initialize function·3.··The problem that I am having is that the code is all looped, once it is in function·3, if it goes·to the fwd, bwd, rotateleft, or rotateright,·that takes it to "TopTrack" and then to "progtop".··So, how can I make it go through the movement commands and then initialize function 3?· I know how to write the subroutines to make it move,·I just don't know how to make it do the commands and then initalize the function.· I would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions.· the code is attached
I am trying to modify the CMUcam code to suite my purposes.· What I would like to do is·use the·first and second functions to calibrate the camera for lighting and then store the color.· After it is·calibrated and·had the color stored, I would like it to move foward a·certian distance turn left,·go foward, turn right, and then initialize function·3.··The problem that I am having is that the code is all looped, once it is in function·3, if it goes·to the fwd, bwd, rotateleft, or rotateright,·that takes it to "TopTrack" and then to "progtop".··So, how can I make it go through the movement commands and then initialize function 3?· I know how to write the subroutines to make it move,·I just don't know how to make it do the commands and then initalize the function.· I would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions.· the code is attached
it would be logical to make a small rewrite to the input menu section. If
the menu structure is followed, handling the functions you cited in the
desired order will save huge amounts of modification time.