Serial Port Question
Attention all Stampers
I'am trying to to send data from one (1)STAMPII to another (2)STAMPII via radio.
Once the data is received via SERIN on (2)STAMPII -- I want to send out the same data via SEROUT on another pin.
Question-- Can a STAMPII receive and then retransmitt data out another port at 2400 baud?
Does the data have to be buffered from SERIN to SEROUT. Can this be achieved using the STAMP II
Would this be a form of·full duplex or serial mirroring?
This serial port stuff seems complex!
I'am trying to to send data from one (1)STAMPII to another (2)STAMPII via radio.
Once the data is received via SERIN on (2)STAMPII -- I want to send out the same data via SEROUT on another pin.
Question-- Can a STAMPII receive and then retransmitt data out another port at 2400 baud?
Does the data have to be buffered from SERIN to SEROUT. Can this be achieved using the STAMP II
Would this be a form of·full duplex or serial mirroring?
This serial port stuff seems complex!
Most of the larger / faster Stamps have what's called "scratchpad RAM" of 62 or 126 bytes which can be used as a buffer as well.
Full duplex means that the device can receive and transmit at the same time. Stamps can't do this without an external buffer co-processor.
What STAMP microconroller could be used that has a scratchpad RAM?
What would an example program look like like that would take data in via SERIN and then buffer it and retransmitt it via SEROUT?
Has anyone done this, who might give me some assisitance.
Any help would be appreciated
Hope this helps.
I am 1011, so be surprised!