editor can't find my basic stamp
I'm using the editor from the parallax website on vista (yes the stamp editor is the one for vista), I have a B2SX purchased off ebay, I have the stamp connected through the usb to 232 adapter from the parallax web site, I purchased the serial cable from the parallax web site, and I'm using this protoboard from ebay --> cgi.ebay.com/Basic-Stamp-or-BX24-Protoboard-Assembled_W0QQitemZ360047913433QQihZ023QQcategoryZ4661QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem <--
when i hit ctrl+R (run) it says "Communication Error" "No BASIC Stamps found." the download progress window says "Loopback: No" and "Echo: Yes", when I disconnect the power supply from the protoboard the download progress window says "Loopback: No" and "Echo: No", and plus the little TX light on the usb to 232 board lights up when I try to run a program, so I know It's connecting to the stamp, it just doesn't recognize it.
any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanx, Paul
when i hit ctrl+R (run) it says "Communication Error" "No BASIC Stamps found." the download progress window says "Loopback: No" and "Echo: Yes", when I disconnect the power supply from the protoboard the download progress window says "Loopback: No" and "Echo: No", and plus the little TX light on the usb to 232 board lights up when I try to run a program, so I know It's connecting to the stamp, it just doesn't recognize it.
any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanx, Paul