HYDRA not programming (Solved, got new hydra, very pleased!)
The hydra that I just got for my birthday fails to program successfully. I can program other propeller chips just fine. All the demos run(parallaxaroids, breakout), but I cannot program any code and it fails to identify. A different USB cable does not help, and the lights flash when first plugged in(green, red, green, red) and the green light flashes once when I try to identify. I think the problem is in the reset circuit on the FTDI chip area, because the hydra resets fine with the reset button, but does not reset when I attempt to program or identify the chip. Also, not much of a problem, but the book cover is only half glued on.
Please help
I am 1011, so be surprised!
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Post Edited (tpw_man) : 5/16/2008 4:10:13 PM GMT
Please help
I am 1011, so be surprised!
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Post Edited (tpw_man) : 5/16/2008 4:10:13 PM GMT
I also have a book with only one side glued down, nothing a little tape doesn't fix.
·</Parallel Universe>
I am 1010, so be surprised!
I am 1011, so be surprised!
Post Edited (tpw_man) : 5/3/2008 12:26:59 PM GMT
1. What version of the IDE are you using?
2. Did you use FTclean to remove all the FTDI driver and then re-install them?
3. Have you tried on another machine?
Answer those and if you still can't get it working, even if you bought it from parallax, I would like you to send it to us for repair, replacement since I want to see what's up. So try those things and if no luck, just send me the HYDRA unit ONLY, wrapped in bubble wrap and UPS'ed ground or Priority mail to:
Nurve Networks LLC
RMA Dept.
12724 Rush Creek Lane
Austin, TX 78732
UPS ground/priority for 1 LB (that's how much it should be in the box) is $5.00 or so, very cheap. And make sure its really safe in there and write FRAGILE all over it.
We will replace or repair it and turn it around for you asap. And let you know what we found. It could be a bad FTDI chip, it happens. It works then fails, its possible.
And for your trouble I will send it back with a HYDRA SD or SRAM card (your choice). Sound good? I am sorry that you got a present and it doesn't work! But, don't feel bad, I have the WORST luck on the plane...true story.... One time I got 10 flats in one week! Another time, I was talking to a business partner in the car, telling him about the 10 flats in 1 week, we were 20 mins from a meeting. Then while talking got a FLAT! But, I am PREPARED for it now and have TWO spares. So, I replaced the tire like it was nothing, continued on our way -- then we got ANOTHER flat! Replaced it, and continued on our way!!! And I was prepared for 3, I had fix a flat as well -- so sometimes you just get the bad one, happens to me ALL the time at FRYs' electronics. When I buy something, from now on I have my girlfriend pick one randomly since the one I pick will be broken without doubt [noparse]:)[/noparse]
But, in the end you will make out better with a added card, plus learn something, so this is a win for everyone [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I am 1011, so be surprised!
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Come and join us on the Propeller IRC channel for fast and easy help!
Channel: #propeller
Server: irc.freenode.net or freenode.net
If you don't want to bother installing an IRC client, use Mibbit. www.mibbit.com
I am 1011, so be surprised!
Advertisement sponsored by dfletch:
Come and join us on the Propeller IRC channel for fast and easy help!
Channel: #propeller
Server: irc.freenode.net or freenode.net
If you don't want to bother installing an IRC client, use Mibbit. www.mibbit.com
So the important thing in running a business, is we all have the same technology, same engineers, but the one thing that sets companies apart is customer service.
Anyway, glad that worked out for you.