If I use a .01 cap and this PTC Sensor That start at 50 ohms In this example it
What size cap do I use for PTC Sensor That start at 50 ohms and gose up in ohms as Temp gose up
The range of the PTC Sensors is unknow at this time· I have to wait until i get them to see what the range is all i know now is that at 77*F it start at 50 ohms
I would like to know.......?
I would like to use this example it shows a .01 Cap and a 10 k ohm rest to use this example
·This the demo code that i want to use
' Applied Sensors - RCTIMEDemo.bs2
' Simple demo of the RCTIME command.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
rct VAR Word············' Word variable to track time.
n VAR Byte··············' Variable for the bar graph.
LOW 10·················· ' Discharge the capacitor.
DO······················ ' Beginning of the main routine.
RCTIME 10, 0, rct····' Time for the volts to rise to 1.3V.
LOW 10···············' Discharge the capacitor to 0 volts.
DEBUG ? rct·················' Show the time.
n = (rct - 1) / 2048 + 1··' Calculate length of bar graph.
DEBUG REP "*"\n, CR········' Display ASCII art bar graph.
PAUSE 50·················· ' Slows down the program.
LOOP·············' Back to the beginning of main routine.
··Thanks for any·
·that you may have and all of your time finding them
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/4/2008 12:43:32 PM GMT
The range of the PTC Sensors is unknow at this time· I have to wait until i get them to see what the range is all i know now is that at 77*F it start at 50 ohms
I would like to know.......?
I would like to use this example it shows a .01 Cap and a 10 k ohm rest to use this example
·This the demo code that i want to use
' Applied Sensors - RCTIMEDemo.bs2
' Simple demo of the RCTIME command.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
rct VAR Word············' Word variable to track time.
n VAR Byte··············' Variable for the bar graph.
LOW 10·················· ' Discharge the capacitor.
DO······················ ' Beginning of the main routine.
RCTIME 10, 0, rct····' Time for the volts to rise to 1.3V.
LOW 10···············' Discharge the capacitor to 0 volts.
DEBUG ? rct·················' Show the time.
n = (rct - 1) / 2048 + 1··' Calculate length of bar graph.
DEBUG REP "*"\n, CR········' Display ASCII art bar graph.
PAUSE 50·················· ' Slows down the program.
LOOP·············' Back to the beginning of main routine.
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/4/2008 12:43:32 PM GMT
As temperature increases, resistance increases, and so RCTIME results/counts will increase.
RCTIME units = 635 x R (in kΩ[noparse];)[/noparse] x C (in µF)
Post Edit -- I suggest that a resistor (1K) in series with the PTC would not be inappropriate.··It's important to know the upper limit, that's a design imperative.·
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 5/4/2008 1:30:49 PM GMT
What if I put a 10 uf that would give a 317.5 would that be a better value
RCTIME units = 635 x R (in kΩ[noparse];)[/noparse] x C (in µF)
ThanK You for your reply
I will read what they have at that link·
··Thanks for any·