My LCD is not working.
My LCD is no longer displaying text when I want it to. If I put it on test mode, it works just fine, but for some reason when I tell it to display text, it just shows a small line at the top left corner. I'm setting it for a baud rate of 9,600 like the stamps in class book tells me to, but I'm using a BS2px. I don't know if I should get a new LCD, if the baud rate is not right for the microcontroller, or if there's something wrong with my electronics or programming. Please help me!· ·

You may also have a low battery, given your inconsistent performance in programming/re-programming.
SEROUT 14, 396, [noparse][[/noparse]"Read PBASIC Help"]
Post Edited (I LIKE PI) : 5/2/2008 4:00:04 AM GMT
This is my simple program:
' {$STAMP BS2px}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
SEROUT 10, 369, [noparse][[/noparse]22, 12]
SEROUT 10, 369, [noparse][[/noparse]"see this?"]
This is how it is turning out on the LCD:
this? hs
How can I get it to appear normally?
What am I doing wrong?
Looks like a little typo, your SEROUT value should be 396 not 369
- Rick
What was the problem?