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Need help with RFID Card Reader Code — Parallax Forums

Need help with RFID Card Reader Code

EschattEschatt Posts: 16
edited 2008-05-04 01:45 in BASIC Stamp
I am relatively new to Basic Stamps. I am trying to use my Basic Stamp 2 to read the ID number of an RFID tag that I want to use for a RFID Lock Project. But when I try to run the RFID Card Reader Code from Parallex it comes up with the error messages including "Expected ":" or end-of-line". Any help getting the code to work would be much appreciated! Thanks!


  • bryan mcdonaldbryan mcdonald Posts: 27
    edited 2008-05-02 03:35
    paste the code you are using here
  • sam_sam_samsam_sam_sam Posts: 2,286
    edited 2008-05-02 11:17

    Here are the two code that should try they are below

    This code will tell you what your card # are RFID_basic.BS2

    When you have your card # then use the RFID1.BS2

    Where you see DATA " " This where you put your Card #

    ····························· ·· "Your Card # "

    Where you see·DATA " " This where you put your Card Names at

    ···························· "Tag 3 (Small Round)"

    Where you see LasTtag CON· "# " put the # of the· that you are using

    ························· LastTag········ CON···· "3"····

    Where you see LOOKUP tagNum, you need to add Name"#" of the Last Card that you are using

    ···································· Name"3"

    LastTag········ CON···· 3····

    Tag1··········· DATA··· "0101A625F5"··········· ' valid tags
    Tag2··········· DATA··· "04129C1A1C"
    Tag3··········· DATA··· "041402CCD7"

    Name0·········· DATA··· "Unauthorized", CR, 0
    Name1·········· DATA··· "Tag 1 (White Card)", CR, 0
    Name2·········· DATA··· "Tag 2 (Oval)" , CR, 0
    Name3·········· DATA··· "Tag 3 (Small Round)" , CR, 0

    LOOKUP tagNum,
    ········ [noparse][[/noparse]Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3], idx····· ' point to first character

    ··Thanks for any·idea.gif·that you may have and all of your time finding them


    Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/2/2008 11:45:23 AM GMT
  • EschattEschatt Posts: 16
    edited 2008-05-03 23:42
    bryan mcdonald said...
    paste the code you are using here

    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' =========================================================================
    ' File...... RFID_Demo.SXB
    ' Purpose... RFID tag reader / ID system
    ' Author.... Jon Williams, Parallax Inc.
    ' E-mail....
    ' Started...
    ' Updated... 01 MAR 2005
    ' =========================================================================

    ' Program Description
    ' Reads a passive tag with the Parallax RFID Reader, then displays the
    ' tag serial number and a name associated in a data table. This program
    ' sends its output to the Parallax Serial LCD module.
    ' Note: Program requires SX/B version 1.2 or later

    ' Device Settings

    FREQ 4_000_000

    ' IO Pins

    Enable VAR RA.0 ' low to activeate RFID reader
    RFID VAR RA.1 ' serial data from RFID
    LCD VAR RA.2 ' serial out to Parallax Serial LCD

    ' Constants

    RfidBaud CON "T2400" ' baud for RFID reader
    LcdBaud CON "T9600" ' baud for serial LCD

    LcdBkSpc CON $08 ' move cursor left
    LcdRt CON $09 ' move cursor right
    LcdLF CON $0A ' move cursor down 1 line
    LcdCls CON $0C ' clear LCD (use PAUSE 5 after)
    LcdCR CON $0D ' move pos 0 of next line
    LcdBLon CON $11 ' backlight on
    LcdBLoff CON $12 ' backlight off
    LcdOff CON $15 ' LCD off
    LcdOn1 CON $16 ' LCD on; cursor off, blink off
    LcdOn2 CON $17 ' LCD on; cursor off, blink on
    LcdOn3 CON $18 ' LCD on; cursor on, blink off
    LcdOn4 CON $19 ' LCD on; cursor on, blink on
    LcdLine1 CON $80 ' move to line 1, column 0
    LcdLine2 CON $94 ' move to line 2, column 0

    LastTag CON 3 ' 3 valid tags

    ' Variables

    char VAR Byte
    idx VAR Byte
    serNum VAR Byte(10) ' serial number string
    buf VAR Byte(10) ' for comparison with known tag
    tagNum VAR Byte ' tag number
    offset VAR Byte ' data table offset

    pCount VAR Byte ' parameters count
    regAddr VAR Byte ' register address
    temp1 VAR Byte ' work vars
    temp2 VAR Byte

    ' =========================================================================
    PROGRAM Start
    ' =========================================================================

    Pgm_Data: ' start of data tables

    DATA "PARALLAX RFID ", 0 ' banner, line 1
    DATA "Present ID Tag ", 0 ' banner, line 2

    DATA "0000000000" ' placeholder
    DATA "0F0184F20B" ' valid tags
    DATA "0F01D9D263"
    DATA "04129C1B43"

    DATA "Unauthorized ", 0 ' name associated with tag
    DATA "George W. Bush ", 0
    DATA "Dick Cheney ", 0
    DATA "Condoleeza Rice ", 0

    ' Memory offsets from start of data

    Banner1 CON B1 - Pgm_Data
    Banner2 CON B2 - Pgm_Data

    Tag0 CON T0 - Pgm_Data
    Tag1 CON T1 - Pgm_Data
    Tag2 CON T2 - Pgm_Data
    Tag3 CON T3 - Pgm_Data

    Name0 CON N0 - Pgm_Data
    Name1 CON N1 - Pgm_Data
    Name2 CON N2 - Pgm_Data
    Name3 CON N3 - Pgm_Data

    ' Subroutine Declarations

    Wait_MS SUB 1, 2 ' pause x {, * y}
    Print_Str SUB 1 ' print string to LCD
    TX_Byte SUB 1 ' tx byte to LCD
    RX_Byte SUB 1 ' rx byte from RFID
    Get_RFID SUB ' get RFID string
    Check_Tag SUB 1 ' compare tag to table entry

    ' Program Code

    PLP_A = %0111 ' pull-up unused pins
    PLP_B = %00000000
    PLP_C = %00000000

    HIGH Enable ' deactivate reader
    Wait_MS 100 ' let LCD initialize
    TX_Byte LcdOn1 ' no cursor
    TX_Byte LcdCls
    Wait_MS 5

    TX_Byte LcdLine1
    Print_Str Banner1
    TX_Byte LcdLine2
    Print_Str Banner2

    Get_RFID ' get serial number from reader
    TX_Byte LcdCls ' clear the LCD
    Wait_MS 5
    FOR idx = 0 TO 9 ' display the tag string
    char = serNum(idx)
    TX_Byte char

    Search_Tags: ' search db for tag
    FOR idx = 1 TO LastTag
    tagNum = idx
    LOOKUP tagNum, Tag0, Tag1, Tag2, Tag3, offset
    Check_Tag offset
    IF tagNum > 0 THEN Show_Name ' if valid, show name

    LOOKUP tagNum, Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3, offset
    TX_Byte LcdLine2
    Print_Str offset
    Wait_MS 250, 12 ' wait 3 seconds
    GOTO Show_Banner ' back to top


    ' Subroutines

    ' Use: Wait_MS mSecs {, multiplier}
    ' -- pauses for 'mSecs' { x multiplier }

    pCount = __PARAMCNT ' parameters
    temp1 = __PARAM1 ' char to send
    temp2 = __PARAM2 ' repeats
    IF pCount = 1 THEN ' fix multiplier if needed
    temp2 = 1
    PAUSE temp1 * temp2

    ' Use: Print_Str Msg
    ' -- Prints z-string at current position on LCD
    ' -- pass offset to start of z-string

    temp1 = __PARAM1 ' get start of string

    READ Pgm_Data + temp1, char ' get a character
    IF char <> 0 THEN ' valid?
    TX_Byte char ' yes, print
    INC temp1 ' point to next
    GOTO Print_Char ' go

    ' Use: TX_Byte aChar
    ' -- sends 'aChar' to LCD

    temp2 = __PARAM1 ' char to send
    SEROUT LCD, LcdBaud, temp2 ' send to LCD

    ' Use: RX_Byte @rxInput
    ' -- reads byte from RFID reader, puts in 'rxInput'

    regAddr = __PARAM1 ' save return address
    SERIN RFID, RfidBaud, temp1 ' receive a byte
    __RAM(regAddr) = temp1 ' move input to addr

    ' Use: Get_RFID
    ' -- waits for and accepts the 10-byte RFID string

    LOW Enable ' enable RFID reader
    RX_Byte @char ' get serial byte
    IF char <> $0A THEN Get_RFID ' wait for header
    FOR idx = 0 TO 9 ' rx and store RFID string
    RX_Byte @char
    serNum(idx) = char
    HIGH Enable ' turn reader off

    ' Use: Check_Tag entry
    ' -- compares tag string (in array) to table entry
    ' -- pass offset to start of table entry

    temp1 = __PARAM1 ' get tag pointer
    FOR temp2 = 0 TO 9 ' compare 10 bytes
    READ Pgm_Data + temp1, char ' get byte from table
    IF char <> serNum(temp2) THEN ' compare bytes
    tagNum = 0 ' if bad, clear tag pointer
    GOTO Check_Tag_Exit ' and skip other bytes
    INC temp1 ' point to next byte

  • EschattEschatt Posts: 16
    edited 2008-05-03 23:50
    The only problem with sam_sam_sam's tips, which will be very helpful in just little bit. Is that I still have not been able to figure out the ID number of the RFID tags that I have. That is what I am trying to use the code that I posted above for. Thanks for the tips.
  • MikeSMikeS Posts: 131
    edited 2008-05-04 01:45

    The attached file will display the tag ID.

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