Downloading DATA to the EEPROM without compiling, is it possible?
Posts: 2
Hello, this is my first post, very new to electronics and the STAMP, toying around with the POV (Persistent of Vision) - using 7 segmented LEDs.
The question that comes to mind, is if it is possible to maintain the code already downloaded and simply downloading a file to the STAMPs EEPROM without having to recompile the code -- i assume the memory addresses are constant
General Purpose: Customer has a version and simply a provision of a 'data file' that can be replaced
The question that comes to mind, is if it is possible to maintain the code already downloaded and simply downloading a file to the STAMPs EEPROM without having to recompile the code -- i assume the memory addresses are constant
General Purpose: Customer has a version and simply a provision of a 'data file' that can be replaced