Downloading DATA to the EEPROM without compiling, is it possible?
Hello, this is my first post, very new to electronics and the STAMP, toying around with the POV (Persistent of Vision) - using 7 segmented LEDs.
The question that comes to mind, is if it is possible to maintain the code already downloaded and simply downloading a file to the STAMPs EEPROM without having to recompile the code -- i assume the memory addresses are constant
General Purpose: Customer has a version and simply a provision of a 'data file' that can be replaced
The question that comes to mind, is if it is possible to maintain the code already downloaded and simply downloading a file to the STAMPs EEPROM without having to recompile the code -- i assume the memory addresses are constant
General Purpose: Customer has a version and simply a provision of a 'data file' that can be replaced