oled to basic stamp 2 communication
i recently bought a oled display from 4d systems, and i wrote a code that would show a slider bar and when you touched it, it would show a value. i then had it send out a serout command of that value, but when the basic stamp gets it i have it debug it and i get really odd shapes, if i convert it to decimal i get crazy numbers not even close to the original. numbers like 9540 when the highest i will ever send from the display is 240, is this a communication error or a timing error or what? any suggestions will help
You do realize that the BS2 does not "buffer" serial communications at all, right? Meaning, unless the BS2 is 'waiting' in a SERIN statement when data starts on the serial line, it will miss some of it.
Also, you MUST run a 'common ground' between the device and the BS2 if it is going to accurately read the serial signal.
Check if you are sending LSB or MSB from the display to the stamp.
have you checkt the baud rate ?