Using a WIRED joystick
··· So I have a wired joystick and i can't figure out how to hook it up or program it.· Red wire is ground and the·other wires are potenometers.· Please help soon
thank you in advance!
EDIT: so far i have
debug is· 111111111111111111111111111111111...
Post Edited (zmasterfun) : 4/29/2008 6:00:55 PM GMT
thank you in advance!

EDIT: so far i have
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} store VAR Word DO HIGH 3 PAUSE 10 RCTIME 7 , 1 , store DEBUG DEC store LOOP
debug is· 111111111111111111111111111111111...
Post Edited (zmasterfun) : 4/29/2008 6:00:55 PM GMT
·i just get:·
result = 1
Post Edited (zmasterfun) : 4/29/2008 6:20:18 PM GMT
Your schematic is missing resistors
Follow Mike's instructions!
Post Edited (Paul Sr.) : 4/29/2008 7:19:24 PM GMT
still getting result = 1
- Stephen
As far as the manual is concerned, what specifically don't you understand?· Also, what parts do you understand about the RCTIME statement and how it's used?
Take the multimeter and put on the impedance mesurement ! highest range first then you go donw - Pick the common wire of the joistick and one of the other wires that you have ! (if you don't know witch is the commom wire, you may open the joystick and look at it , or try one by one in combination to solve it)
mesure the resistace of this pair , determ witch command of the joystick you are mesuring, check the highest value , than check the lowest value ! (write that on a paper) and send to us ! (over here)
see if can do it
·lowest·resistance·is about 2k· ohms for both x and y values
Post Edited (zmasterfun) : 5/1/2008 1:43:20 AM GMT
Post Edited (zmasterfun) : 5/1/2008 2:09:28 AM GMT