Sensor Scaling and offset.
Need to know where to look to find information how to rescale sensor voltage.
I have a sensor that makes 220ohms at room temperature, and makes ~1000 ohms at 2000° F.
So I use a 1000 ohm resistor to divide the voltage, but I only get a range of·1.6 volts, about·4.1 to 2.5 volts.
What kind of ways are there to change this output to 0-5v so I can increase my resolution?
Somebody told me a OpAmp? but I couldn't seem to figure out how to make do what I wanted.
(I'm working on a water injection control for diesel engines)
Need to know where to look to find information how to rescale sensor voltage.
I have a sensor that makes 220ohms at room temperature, and makes ~1000 ohms at 2000° F.
So I use a 1000 ohm resistor to divide the voltage, but I only get a range of·1.6 volts, about·4.1 to 2.5 volts.
What kind of ways are there to change this output to 0-5v so I can increase my resolution?
Somebody told me a OpAmp? but I couldn't seem to figure out how to make do what I wanted.
(I'm working on a water injection control for diesel engines)
·· Basically, you'll null out (offset) the input voltage (3.6 volts in your case) then use the second op-amp to push the 1.6 volts up to 5 volts.
· Cheers,
Tom Sisk
Many ADC's have a seperate input for the reference voltage. In your case with a 1.6V span on the voltage to be measured, using a·2.0 v reference voltage, you would not need an amplifier to boost the signal to the ADC. The ADC0831 sold by Parallax will give you 8 bit resolution and allows for a seperate reference voltage.
There are also·ADC's available with built in amplification should you need it. You might want to look at:,2877,AD7705,00.html for an example.
Post Edited (MSDTech) : 4/29/2008 2:18:51 PM GMT
The Vsub is a variable resistor? Is that used to adjust offset or range?
Yes, I used a pot for Vsub. It is the offset voltage ( Vsub = volts subtracted).
Tom Sisk
Analog to Digital is beyond my capabilities so far, it will be the next step; thanks for the link! ·I'm fairly good at programming, but the electronic end of things baffles me.
Electricity and I are sworn bitter enemies; last summer it won a major battle and put me in the·UCI Burn Center for a week.· :-D
But I'm planning on winning the war.