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A simple queue class example? — Parallax Forums

A simple queue class example?

HueyHuey Posts: 23
edited 2008-04-28 12:59 in General Discussion
Im working on a my maze solving robot, (probably heard of the IEEE MicroMouse Competition) and I have successfully made a Java program that simulates the robot running a maze. The thing is that in the Java program I use a Vector<Point> as a make-shift queue to process a list of "cells". I've been trying to implement some sort of queue class in Javelin but have been unsucessful. What I love about Java's Vector class is that it has the methods firstElement() and lastElement(), which can be easily used to mimic the push and pop action of a queue.

I have also scanned every forum post for previous enquires about queues and found none. I've also searched the net and finding only stuff about avionics, the Olympics, and stuff about internet processing.· I've even looked in the JavelinCode Yahoo Group.

I could attach my simulation jar file if someone wants to view it.

Like always,
·Thanks alot for any and all replies


Double Bachelor of Science
CPET - Computer Engineering Technologies
CIS - Computer Information Systems
Chair of MSU-Northern IEEE Student Branch


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