Favorite PWM Control Chip?
I was wondering if anybody could recommend a cheap PWM controller chip that has several outputs. I have looked around on the web but could only come up with pricy solutions. Thanks.
Of course that would mean the investment in an SX-Key or SX-Blitz if you have not done so, but the one time investment is well worth the couple of bucks.
Hope that might help, though I'm not sure it was the answer you were looking for.
Pololu also has a nice selection of motor driver chips that use PWM... http://www.pololu.com/catalog/category/11
Post Edited (Steve Joblin) : 4/28/2008 7:19:29 PM GMT
The two chips each cost less than $2.00 US, I think. I have built and tested this circuit using a fixed resister inplace of the variable resistor (pot) at R4. By changing resistors R1, R2 and R3, R4 its possible to change the duty cycle of the output of the 754410 from 93% to 52%.
There is information here:
http://www.kpsec.freeuk.com/555timer.htm· (see 555/556 Astable·section)
on the calculations for the Resistors to achieve desired duty cycle.
Each side of the 556 pulses the corresponding output pin at the desired duty cycle. The outpin pin is tied to the enable pin of the 755410. When the enable pin is high, the motor is powered. Pulsing the enable creates the PWM.
For information on using the 755410 see this page: