Just starting - looking for recommendations - Money
Just about to make my first purchase from Parallax. Assuming that I wasn't looking to take the least expensive route, but rather the "best", or "most fun", or "easiest" route, I'm looking for suggestions.
Background: Have not used any microcontroller before, new to electronics, quite comfortable programming (Basic, a bit of C/C++, VB.NET).
Proposed projects: Nothing too earth shattering - eventually a small autonomous robot, small robotic arm, control some servos etc. I assume fairly normal stuff.
From my research so far, it seems like the Basic Stamp will do everything that I want for the near future, although I have toyed with the idea of the propeller chip instead.
1. Would you recommend just getting the Basic Stamp Discovery Kit, or something else?
2. If one wanted to spend some time developing some robotic functions, and then eventually move it over to the robot, is it a 'normal' procedure to use something like the BOE, or the PDB and then buy something like the MoBo for the final project? It just seems like the PDB might be too big for some applications.
3. Any comments on getting the BOE (in the kit), or the PDB? (Being new to electronics, I rather like the idea of the bigger board with lots of goodies already wired)
4. Any comments on the StampWorks Kit as a starter kit (I would either buy or print off the 'What is a Microcontroller' book just to make sure I didn't miss anything)
5. If I buy some of the additional components down the road like the GPS, servos, til sensors, LCD etc, can they all be used on any of the chips from the Basic Stamp family, and the Propeller?
6. This may be a really dumb question from someone that hasn't built anything yet, but would the BS2-IC be too limiting, or is there any good benefit to trying to get one of the more advanced Basic Stamps right from the start?
For many people, they would always choose the least expensive route. I'm looking instead for the most "fun" route with the most possibilities, while having cost as a secondary consideration.
Any pointers anyone might have would be greatly appreciated. I just don't want to get something today that I'll be bummed about in a little while that I didn't buy the fancier model.
Appreciate any feedback.
Best regards.
Just about to make my first purchase from Parallax. Assuming that I wasn't looking to take the least expensive route, but rather the "best", or "most fun", or "easiest" route, I'm looking for suggestions.
Background: Have not used any microcontroller before, new to electronics, quite comfortable programming (Basic, a bit of C/C++, VB.NET).
Proposed projects: Nothing too earth shattering - eventually a small autonomous robot, small robotic arm, control some servos etc. I assume fairly normal stuff.
From my research so far, it seems like the Basic Stamp will do everything that I want for the near future, although I have toyed with the idea of the propeller chip instead.
1. Would you recommend just getting the Basic Stamp Discovery Kit, or something else?
2. If one wanted to spend some time developing some robotic functions, and then eventually move it over to the robot, is it a 'normal' procedure to use something like the BOE, or the PDB and then buy something like the MoBo for the final project? It just seems like the PDB might be too big for some applications.
3. Any comments on getting the BOE (in the kit), or the PDB? (Being new to electronics, I rather like the idea of the bigger board with lots of goodies already wired)
4. Any comments on the StampWorks Kit as a starter kit (I would either buy or print off the 'What is a Microcontroller' book just to make sure I didn't miss anything)
5. If I buy some of the additional components down the road like the GPS, servos, til sensors, LCD etc, can they all be used on any of the chips from the Basic Stamp family, and the Propeller?
6. This may be a really dumb question from someone that hasn't built anything yet, but would the BS2-IC be too limiting, or is there any good benefit to trying to get one of the more advanced Basic Stamps right from the start?
For many people, they would always choose the least expensive route. I'm looking instead for the most "fun" route with the most possibilities, while having cost as a secondary consideration.
Any pointers anyone might have would be greatly appreciated. I just don't want to get something today that I'll be bummed about in a little while that I didn't buy the fancier model.
Appreciate any feedback.
Best regards.
The BS2 will take you far. You can always get something faster with more memory later like a BS2px and it will plug into the BOE. The BS2 can always be used later for some other project. Almost all of the sample programs are written for the BS2. The biggest exception is for I2C and 1-Wire devices. The BS2 doesn't have built-in statements for I2C although it can use subroutines for I2C. Only the BS2p series of Stamps and the Propeller can use 1-Wire devices.
All of the additional components that Parallax sells can be used with the Stamps. With the Propeller, you'll need some extra resistors with some of them because of the supply voltage difference (3.3V vs. 5V).
BTW, the subject line was really supposed to be: Just starting - looking for recommendations - Money is "no object". The last part got cut off. Don't want it to look like I wanted money. Sheesh.
So basically, nothing is ever "wasted" since I can pretty much reuse any of the components with almost any configuration along the line. Good to know.
Let's just say that in addition to having the bot roaming around, one also wanted to build a robotic arm to lift, rotate, drop etc. Would one be able to use a bunch of the BoeBot parts to achieve that aim?
Thanks again.
You might want to look at the Microsoft Robotics Studio. This lets you combine the computational and data handling power of a PC with the mobility and ability to interact of a robot. Since you already have the Boe-Bot, all you need to do is add a Bluetooth link to your PC such as the eb500. I believe the Robotics Studio is a free download. Microsoft recently released a new version so you may need to check if the support code for the Boe-Bot is available.
Since I'm about to make the big purchase for the Boe-Bot USB kit, can anyone recommend some other "must have" goodies?
I'm planning on picking up the Ping, with mounting bracket and a power adapter. Any thoughts on the LCD screens with a Boe-Bot, or is that not a good thing? It would seem interesting to be able to view feedback on positioning etc.
If you like the LCD, does it matter from a function standpoint which one is purchased? (ie. is there a big difference in power consumption, or does one 'fit' better on the Boe-Bot?)
Would something like the Serial Graphic Display or the 120 x 32 LCD graphic display need to be plugged in and used stationary, or else my batteries would die in a few nanoseconds?
Is the Boe-Boost a good addition?
Any comments on Digital Encoder Kit - is it a worthwhile purchase up front, or is that pretty far down the road?
There is always the difference between what one reads in a catalog, and what people's real life experience is like. I value your input.
Best regards,
If you want to use rechargable batteries, you almost have to have the Boe-Boost. The 1.2v rechargables don't put out working voltage for very long (they start out fully charged at about 1.4 and drop quickly to 1.2, depending on the brand). I'd say get the Boe-Bot, Ping and maybe the eb500. With the bluetooth, you can send anything back to a PC that you would display on an LCD panel and its a lot easier to read than running around trying to keep up with the robot.
Well, took the advice given by everyone above and bought a whack of stuff today. Boe-Bot, intro kit, lots of sensors, boe-boost etc.
Thanks again.
it gives you info on how to use the ultrasonic sensor, an acellerometer (so you can detect if your robot is on a slope), an LCD, and a compass so you can tell your robot what direction to go. Have fun with your robot!
When it all arrives, the fun begins of getting a handle on the programming. Hopefully won't be too bad since I've done programming off and on for 30 years.
You've already received the advice I would have given!· I can only add that when you are ready to try the Propeller, you might want to get the Propeller Education Kit - 40-pin DIP version.· It is a breadboard-based kit with lots of room to play, and comes with the components to set up both 3.3 and 5V power rails off of a 9V battery clip, so it will be easy to use the Ping))) and any other sensors you will alrealdy have that require 5 volts.·
The author of the Boe-Bot and Smart Sensors texts has written a series of labs for the PE Kit to introduce the Propeller chip's architecture and Spin programming.· He also posted a project which puts the PE kit breadboard on the Boe-Bot chassis.· So, when you eventually move over to the Propeller, much of the hardware you have just purchased will still be useful.
Here's the PE Kit Lab thread:
Have fun!
-Steph Lindsay
Editor, Parallax Inc.
Much appreciated info, which I will definitely keep in mind when I move towards the Propeller somewhere down the road. Thanks for sending the link.
Best regards,