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MG1101 gyro made by Gyration — Parallax Forums

MG1101 gyro made by Gyration

EricREricR Posts: 35
edited 2008-10-13 10:49 in Propeller 1
Has anybody been able to use this 'chip'?

I have a Gyration mouse that supposedly contains one of these. It has a bluetooth link to a USB dongle. I tried using a USB to PS2 converter and plugging it into the demo board, but is did work. Power did come to the USB dongle as seen by the lights. It is supposed to use Microsoft Intellimouse protocol, but I don't know how to interface to that.

This 'chip' is actlually a little metal can with a circuit board. It is supposed to have 3 axis accelerometers and two axes of gyroscope. There is a SPI interface, but with unpublished protocol. Gyration has not responded to my call and e-mail asking for a link or explanation of the protocol. Perhaps they are busy with their change of ownership.


Post Edited (EricR) : 6/8/2008 2:15:30 AM GMT


  • EricREricR Posts: 35
    edited 2008-06-08 02:09
    My mistake, the protocol is published in Data Sheet MG1101 RevA.pdf . I don't find any acceleration data available, but there are 2 axes of rotation, a temperature, and a voltage reading.

    I am thinking the "i2cLibrary_Version1_3" library will be good for interfacing to it.


    Post Edited (EricR) : 6/8/2008 4:51:08 AM GMT
  • BradCBradC Posts: 2,601
    edited 2008-06-08 05:52
    EricR said...
    My mistake, the protocol is published in Data Sheet MG1101 RevA.pdf . I don't find any acceleration data available, but there are 2 axes of rotation, a temperature, and a voltage reading.

    I am thinking the "i2cLibrary_Version1_3" library will be good for interfacing to it.

    It looks like a standard i2c compatible device.
    Just for info I've had _excellent_ results with Basic_I2C_Driver by Mike Green if you want an easy i2c starting point.


    Pull my finger!
  • EricREricR Posts: 35
    edited 2008-10-13 10:49
    I posted a new object to the Propeller Object Exchange for this.· See·"MG1101 gyroscope Object" under sensors.· It does use the Basic_I2C_Driver as Brad suggested.· Thank you Brad for suggesting and Mike Green for the

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