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Servos and Boe Bot

redruffredruff Posts: 2
edited 2008-04-25 15:15 in BASIC Stamp
New here thanks everyone, looks like a nice board for support!

My question is,
I have three servos on the Boe Boot!
One in 12, one in 14 to run the wheels.
I'd like another motor to control an add-on, but if I plug it into 13 it won't go?

Can you only run two servos out of ports 12-14?



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-04-25 14:41
    You can run three servos, one in each of ports 12-14, but you may be having power supply problems. Servos can each draw up to 1A peak current and, if you run them off of the 5V regulator (Vdd), you may overload the regulator. Servos can be damaged if you run them off too high a supply voltage. 7.2V is usually the highest supply voltage used for servos and may shorten their life (from arcing at the motor brushes). There's a jumper on the BOE to select Vin (the input supply) or Vdd (regulated 5V) for the servo power supply. You should use a 6V supply (maximum) and use Vin for the servos. If you want to use rechargable batteries, add a 5th cell to your BoeBot since NiMH batteries only produce 1.2V and you need 5 cells to add up to 6V. Parallax sells a battery holder for a 5th cell or you can buy a single AA cell battery holder from RadioShack and wire it in series with the 4 AA cell battery holder already in the BotBot.
  • AmaralAmaral Posts: 176
    edited 2008-04-25 14:44
    Yes , you can run servos in any pin of the BS2 ( from 1 to 15 ) they all can PULSOUT for servos, take care of the time refresh and power suply as Mike told , but you can run in any pin !

  • AmaralAmaral Posts: 176
    edited 2008-04-25 14:44
    Sorry - pins from 0 to 15 ... I left one out !
  • redruffredruff Posts: 2
    edited 2008-04-25 15:15
    I think I have a bad port 13...if I plug into 15 all is good?

    Yep got plenty of power, running off a 9v wall wart for now.
    Thanks for all the replies...
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