MacBS2 and USB Servo controller (28823)
Hello all,
I am very new to servos, stamps and pbasic. I was hoping to run macbs2 on my mac to program my Parallax USB Servo Controller. I installed everything, followed all instructions and the response I get is "Basic Stamp 2 detected but not responding. Check Power." I found a few posts on this forum regarding this, but they were dead ends.
I understand that it is lacking power, but isn't it supposed to be powered by USB (I have tried it on a Powerbook G4 and an Intel iMac). I see the com port and it is called usbserial-0000201A.
Has anyone gotten the USB servo controller working with macbs2? What can I do? Any help in general would be greatly appreciated.
I am very new to servos, stamps and pbasic. I was hoping to run macbs2 on my mac to program my Parallax USB Servo Controller. I installed everything, followed all instructions and the response I get is "Basic Stamp 2 detected but not responding. Check Power." I found a few posts on this forum regarding this, but they were dead ends.
I understand that it is lacking power, but isn't it supposed to be powered by USB (I have tried it on a Powerbook G4 and an Intel iMac). I see the com port and it is called usbserial-0000201A.
Has anyone gotten the USB servo controller working with macbs2? What can I do? Any help in general would be greatly appreciated.
Download the documentation for the serial version of the servo controller and that will show you what gets sent back and forth. You'd have to type the control sequences. Most of the commands require parameters to be the binary value of the characters sent and that is awkward at best to do by hand from a keyboard, but can be used for testing.