Need help with project PWM with DC motor control
Hey Guys,
I have a project in which I have a DC motor (a winch that has a tether which is supposed to control the direction and velocity of a blimp) that needs directional and velocity control....I have a BS2p40 board with a PWM...and need help with the coding for this...seeing how I am relatively new to the PBASIC language.....has anybody done anything like this...and if so can you please give me some sample code to learn from....because I am lost...thanks...
I have a project in which I have a DC motor (a winch that has a tether which is supposed to control the direction and velocity of a blimp) that needs directional and velocity control....I have a BS2p40 board with a PWM...and need help with the coding for this...seeing how I am relatively new to the PBASIC language.....has anybody done anything like this...and if so can you please give me some sample code to learn from....because I am lost...thanks...
The PWM command on the BASIC Stamps isn’t really geared toward motor control. It’s designed to generate an analog voltage using a filter circuit. If you need direction and speed control for a motor I would use a dedicated motor control. Do you already have an H-Bridge? If not how are you driving the motors?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Take a look at this , This might help you with what you want to do
Here is the Data Sheet for the··HB-25 Motor Controller and the Link to it
Also there is a sample code there as well
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 4/24/2008 7:51:19 PM GMT