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Programming SX chip to reconize irregular beats — Parallax Forums

Programming SX chip to reconize irregular beats

ryester1120ryester1120 Posts: 21
edited 2008-04-25 03:10 in General Discussion
I am trying to use an SX chip to light up an LED when an irregular beat is played like a normal heartbeat to a faster heartbeat.·

If anyone has any tips on how to program the Sx chp to do this please reply


  • VelocitVelocit Posts: 119
    edited 2008-04-23 04:04
    Programming the SX will be the easy part... it sounds like you need help with developing a suitable algorithm. I'd say the first step is to define how the heart beat will be measured (i.e. the SX's inputs) and what constitutes a regular heartbeat. From there you can write an algorithm to recognize a "normal" beat, and then subsequent algorithms to recognize different types of abnormalities.

    Is pulse count the only thing you're concerned with, or are you looking for something more like a full P, QRS, T analysis?

  • PJAllenPJAllen Banned Posts: 5,065
    edited 2008-04-25 03:10
    Like a "missing pulse" detector?·

    Or·a "double-pulse" detector?
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