Connect to BS2e over phone lines to transmit data
I have an application where I need to be able to "call" a remote location using POTS and I assume a modem to gather remote data. I other words, I need to have my PC dial up the Stamp and get readings on the I/O ports to see what is happening at the remote location. I am capable of writing the code for a VB application to automate the process, but do not know how to interface the Stamp. Electronics are a hobby and I would put myself in the intermediate/beginner category.
Before it is suggested, I cannot use IP or any other network protocol. The remote location is a mechanical room far away from any internet connection so my only option is to use a phone line. The application will only gather static data and not streaming, I.E. what is the temp of the water. The sensors and programming don't seem to be an issue at the moment, just how to transmit the data.
I have found a little information concerning connecting a Stamp to an external modem, but not enough to even start. Besides, if possible, I don't want to have to source a modem every time I build this device. The data I need to send is very small. All the data would be represented as an integer or boolean.
Does anyone know of a modem board peripheral for the Stamp line?
Thanks in advance
Before it is suggested, I cannot use IP or any other network protocol. The remote location is a mechanical room far away from any internet connection so my only option is to use a phone line. The application will only gather static data and not streaming, I.E. what is the temp of the water. The sensors and programming don't seem to be an issue at the moment, just how to transmit the data.
I have found a little information concerning connecting a Stamp to an external modem, but not enough to even start. Besides, if possible, I don't want to have to source a modem every time I build this device. The data I need to send is very small. All the data would be represented as an integer or boolean.
Does anyone know of a modem board peripheral for the Stamp line?
Thanks in advance
One issue is most modems want an "analog" line -- while many office phones use a "digital" connection.
What is the best way to connect the two? I have a super carrier board for prototyping; should I use the serial connection or create my own using a few I/O's? Again, the electronic part is tricky for me. A schematic would be great if anyone knows of one.
I will look into the MAX232. That chip comes up over and over in discussions about RS232.
I have some information about the modem/stamp connections here:
At one point in time, I got a pile of old Macintosh 2400 baud modems at less than $1 each. Those were designed to run off of 5 volt power from the desktop bus, so it was a natural for use with the Stamp.
Tracy Allen
Tracy: Thanks for the link i will read closely.
It was based on the Cermetech chip as mentioned above. Yeah it seems to have been discontinued (yet again a perfectly useful product abandoned). You might be able to find one on eBay, but for quantities yeah I guess you might be up a creek on that one.
Hang on... check out these products. I think one of these might suit your needs:
Post Edited (Andy Fox) : 4/22/2008 3:34:32 AM GMT
The modem's serial interface will work quite nicely through the Stamp without extra parts, although you can add a Max233 or 232 if desired.
In a barebones setup, you would use Hyperterminal and the PC's modem to call the Stamp's modem. When they connect, the Stamp would spit out the data and you can read it on-screen or capture to a file.
Of course, there's nothing to stop one Stamp and modem from calling the other and using the data to display it on an LCD screen or use the data to carry out some control function.
Tom Sisk
stamptrol: The backend (or frontend depending on how you look at it) will be some VB code that I am writing to automatically poll the accounts during off hours. I was staying away from the external modem route just because I need some consistency in the product and am somewhat restricted by size
A bit off topic, but what is the best way to store data during power loss with a stamp, I.E. flash etc.
There are several storage options based on the SD card format. I think Hitt Consulting has one and SparkFun has a couple of models. Straightforward serial communication on the Stamp side, PC compatible file format on the SD card side.
Tom Sisk
I2C or SPI EEPROMs are a popular choice for storage temporary data (depending on the amount of data and the number of rewrites expected).
Thank for the reply. I have done research and the basic read and write should work for the data collection. I am only looking for a snapshot; I.E. total gallons used and then write to a memory location in case of power loss since this variable is a total. So I would write the data to the location say each 10 gallons since this number does not have to be exact. After each successful remote call, I would reset the data and let the remote software totalize the volume.
Just to verify, the stamp works on TTL levels correct? I have found a modem by Radicom for ~29.00 that is TTL so in theory I could connect it directly to an I/O and use the serin/serout. Or am I completely off base here?
For storing a small amount of data (under 50 bytes or so), consider a real-time-clock chip with a backup battery and on-chip memory. The DS1302 and DS1307 come to mind for this.