Managing Battery Use
I will be using the Scribbler robot in my high school programming class next year and need assistance on how to manage the battery consumption for 30 students.· In working with my Scribbler, the batteries lasted about 2 hours in use time.·Are·rechargable batteries cost effective and do they stand multiple charges sufficient to run the robot.
Thanks for any ideas,
Thanks for any ideas,
- Stephen
I was considering rechargeable batteries, but now sure they'll be a cost savings in the long run.· Anyone out there have experience in this?
Thanks again,
I wrote an article for Robot magazine on the Scribbler, but it hasn't gotten published yet. You'll like the auto-dock with charger modification I did. Brief post & videos at
BTW, my article got bumped to the next issue of Robot. They just went from 4 to 6 issues a year, so maybe June?
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"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
It helps that companies·are trying to get RoHS compliant. I bet·someone is fire-saleing·or even giving away nicads. Those have less capacity, but free is free. Try to hold out for NiMH cells, though. Either way is a nice tax writeoff for the donating company.
·"If you build it, they will come."