How can I use my optical mouse as a speedometer?
I have an application where I'd like to use a wireless optical mouse as a speedometer to measure speeds over a distance of say two feet per test.···The data does not necessarily have to·come through a stamp -- it could go directly into Excel·or another format.· I will be using a stamp and the force sensor·elsewhere in this project, though.· ·My goal is to capture speed and force and send it wirelessly (or store it for later retrieval).· Somewhere, somehow, my computer knows where to put my cursor based on movements of my mouse -- the optical mouse seems like such an elegant solution for a short-distance wireless speedometer.· Help me capture·that data·and redirect it for a new purpose.·
Alternatively, does anyone know how good the Ping))) module is at detecting distance when it is going two feet per second?· All the apps I read use it to detect distance at what appeared to be slow or no speed only.·
Alternatively, does anyone know how good the Ping))) module is at detecting distance when it is going two feet per second?· All the apps I read use it to detect distance at what appeared to be slow or no speed only.·
Depending how fast things move, you might squeeze in a few ping measurements before you span the 2ft distance....
What's the best thing to do in a lightning storm? "take a one iron out the bag and hold it straight up above your head, even God cant hit a one iron!"
Lee Travino after the second time being hit by lightning!