Propeller Job Display
This is a Job display for our shop floor.· It shows the due date and hours left on each operation.· If its late, the text is red;· due today, its yellow, white/blue if its still ok.· It sends an update message to the server which pulls the data from our SQL server and sends back the job data via UDP.· The code has not been cleaned up yet, but it works
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Good to see some Propellor projects making it into the "completed projects" forum!
What's the best thing to do in a lightning storm? "take a one iron out the bag and hold it straight up above your head, even God cant hit a one iron!"
Lee Travino after the second time being hit by lightning!
What screen is that?
What input does it take?
Where did you order it from?
its a standard vga monitor