Capasitors on DB9 serial port

I added a DB9 serial connection port to my project to be able to upload software using my Stache. In the Stache quick start I found how to connect the DB9 to the BS2,· and that works fine.
Later I read my Basic Stamp Syntax and Reference Guide, page 28 and discovered there have to be two capasitors, both 0,1uF connected to pin 4 on the DB9.
I suppose they have to be there but why do I need them?
Later I read my Basic Stamp Syntax and Reference Guide, page 28 and discovered there have to be two capasitors, both 0,1uF connected to pin 4 on the DB9.
I suppose they have to be there but why do I need them?
You see, when using the IDE, when you click "program" your PC uses the DTR line as a 'master reset' to reset your BS2 and prepare it for the programming sequence. Well, some 'stupid' programs (like Hyperterminal) hold the DTR line high ALL the time. To let you use Hyperterm, the BOE-board had these two capacitors, so when Hyperterm raises DTR, all the BS2 sees is a "Blip" (which STILL resets it, briefly) which doesn't HOLD the BS2 in RESET.
So if you're not using Hyperterm on the PC to monitor your BS2, you don't need those two capacitors.
If your system is working as is, don't worry about it. Many year's worth of boards did not have the capacitors.
Tom Sisk
Thank you again for your explanations.