Parallax Robot Collection Modified Fabrications
All Modifications made require no Cutting, or Drilling, of any type to the Original Parallax Products at all! They just bolt right on to the Bots!
Here is a little trick to the trade, that I am certain you will find helpful!!!
When Making Patterns for Mods the first step to Fabricating of any kind, not only Robotics! Use thin cardboard or thin plastic it is much easer to work with then metal, and a lot less costly! Then Install them and note any changes for holes or shape and you will then be able to trace the patterns to you material be it aluminum or plastic without getting serious head aches!!
''Have Fun Stampers, Fabricating you Modified Parallax Products!!''
Post Edited (Zax) : 4/16/2008 10:05:25 AM GMT
Here is a little trick to the trade, that I am certain you will find helpful!!!
When Making Patterns for Mods the first step to Fabricating of any kind, not only Robotics! Use thin cardboard or thin plastic it is much easer to work with then metal, and a lot less costly! Then Install them and note any changes for holes or shape and you will then be able to trace the patterns to you material be it aluminum or plastic without getting serious head aches!!
''Have Fun Stampers, Fabricating you Modified Parallax Products!!''

Post Edited (Zax) : 4/16/2008 10:05:25 AM GMT