PBASIC question about DATA directive
I have a question about the DATA directive·in the pbasic syntax guide, one of the examples given is pasted below. I cannot figure
out where the "101" and "4" come from, can someone explain this to me
(BS2pe,PBASIC 2.5)
DATA········· Word 1125
The directive above will automatically break the
word-size value into two bytes and store them into two
sequential EEPROM locations (the low-byte first,
followed by the high-byte, or "Little Endian"). In
this case, the low-byte is 101 and the high byte is 4
and they will be stored in locations 0 and 1, respectively.
out where the "101" and "4" come from, can someone explain this to me
(BS2pe,PBASIC 2.5)
DATA········· Word 1125
The directive above will automatically break the
word-size value into two bytes and store them into two
sequential EEPROM locations (the low-byte first,
followed by the high-byte, or "Little Endian"). In
this case, the low-byte is 101 and the high byte is 4
and they will be stored in locations 0 and 1, respectively.
1125 (decimal)=0000010001100101 (binary)
101 (decimal)=01100101 (binary)
4 (decimal)=00000100 (binary)
so, if you stick them together, you get 00000100 01100101 which is 1125 in decimal.
its like reading the two bytes that make the word independently.
I hope I helped some!
There are 10 kinds of people in the world;
those who understand binary and those who don't.
That gets broken up into two bytes.
The MSB gets stored in·an address as·% 0000 0100···(4)
The LSB gets stored in an address as % 0110 0101·(101)
(4 x 256) + (1·x 101) = 1125
·········· 1024 + 101 = 1125
················ 1125 = 1125