Did I ruin my BS2 chip?
I smelled smoke from my BOE-USB (BS2) and quickly turned the switch off and pulled the plug.
Now running the BASIC stamp on battery I cannot detect the BS2 microcontroller anymore.
I suppose its ruined, right?
P.S. I was using a 9VDC 300mA Adapter, was that the issue?
Post Edited (Zaero) : 4/14/2008 12:37:46 AM GMT
Now running the BASIC stamp on battery I cannot detect the BS2 microcontroller anymore.
I suppose its ruined, right?
P.S. I was using a 9VDC 300mA Adapter, was that the issue?
Post Edited (Zaero) : 4/14/2008 12:37:46 AM GMT
(Is this a BoE, an HWB, a PDB, or what?)
Have you used this plug pack before?
Is the positive on the inner connector?
Does the green “Power” LED come on when you use the battery and plug pack?
If yes, then suggests the voltage regulator is still okay and you still get Vdd (+5Volts).
If no, and first time you have used the plug pack, the voltage regulator might have failed.
Could be the plug pack connected polarity is reversed.
When you use the USB comms from PC to BOE USB version, does the blue/white LED near the USB coverter chip illuminate?·· Should do so briefly even when no power supply.
As for the blue/white LED near USB, I am not sure what you referring to.
Besides a GPS module connected in SIO X5 (12) and the actually BS2 chip I have nothing else connected.
Then there is a small surface mount IC (about 5mm x 5mm) above the USB connector. This is the USB to serial signal converter.
Between the USB chip and the BASIC Stamp socket (near the markings "P0" and "P1") there are two small surface mount LED's
One is red when lit, other is blue when lit (made error with colour in prev post).
These LED's should both flash briefly when the USB cable is first connected at the PC and at the BOE connector.
They also flash if there is any comms activity on the USB port when programming.
Just in case, I am going to just run to Radioshack and pick up a new one. Hopefully I can return it if I need to.
I just checked the board again on a different computer and my BS2 is still not detected. Also, I used a multimeter across Vss and Vcc (of the BS2) that showed around 110mA.
Post Edited (Zaero) : 4/14/2008 10:16:18 PM GMT
My BOE is Version 3 (form memory) and the USB socket and the Surface mounted USB comms chip are swapped in position.
The mentioned LED's should flash·briefly plugging in the USB cable even without a battery or plug pack connected. (Well mine always has and works okay).
Measuring current between Vcc (or Vdd) and Vss is like putting a short across the supply.
On Volts measure Vdd (BS2 pin 24· = +5V) ·to Vss (BS2 Pin 4 = 0V). You should have about 5 volts if the voltage regulator is working.
If the voltage is 5V then the regulator is working and you need to consider the BS2 may have failed. If you have seen/smelt the smoke then something has “cooked”/failed.
As for measuring the voltage drop across pin 4 and pin 24 I get about 7 volts. According to what you said before, the regulator (that should give a steady +5VDC) has failed.
Just to note, my pin 4 and pin 24 are labeled as the image you uploaded. I also measured the voltage with a 9V battery in and the switch on 1 (but I believe that even with the switch at 0 the stamp is still in a "low power state").
home at the moment and had a better look.
First but not too significant, mine is Rev C (not 3).
More importantly I looked at the schematic.
Pin 24 of the BS2 is Vin not Vdd.
Vdd (+5Vdc) is actually at Pin 21. Therefore the BS2 will see the battery/plug pack voltage at pin 24.
The green POWER LED is on the output of the voltage regulator so we can believe the voltage regulator and plug pack are working.
I believe that when the selector switch is set to position "0" there should be no load on the battery.
if the LEDs for the USB comms do not light then seems the problem is related to the comms side rather than the BS2 chip.
since you infer you had the ability to program I take it that you have the Parallax USB drivers installed.
running out of option to try from here