Gee. I am sorry that they require repair! What happened? What kind of Stamps and Stamp environment do they "live" in? Are they complete Stamps contained in a module or individual Stamp chips?
Could they possibly be ok and you are doing something wrong or some other condition has changed?
I just blew up a very nice Parallax Professional Development board. I hope I can fix it, but I imagine I will be buying another one.
Maybe if you provide a little more information, folks can guide you regarding the feasibility of repair.
When my project failed to start, I check all the wirings and components - individually.
But stuff still didn't work, even though everything was good.
It turns out that some components were underpowered so I tested them when the
project was on and found that a component wasn't providing any juice and gave it
it's own power supply.
So, the stamp might not be all bad, it could just be one component.
Well to make it simple the will not load, Can't find stamp. Placed them in my test board and still no go. If I put a working stamp in test board!, WORKS GREAT
When you put a "good" Stamp in it do you use exactly the same power source? What is it?
Are you using the same cable from your PC to the Stamp?
How many of your Stamps "turned" bad?
You have not mentioned whether you are using a BS2 module or something else, such as the BS2-OEM components in your Stamp environment. (And I am just guessing you are talking about the BS2 Stamp.)
I know you would like to make this short and sweet, but if the knowledgeable folks on this forum--which I am not--are going to take a shot at helping you, they will need answers to these questions and perhaps others, as well. In fact, each question you answer will probably generate more questions until your problem is solved. My experience has also been that you MAY find the solution yourself just trying to answer all the questions! To you, that is even better than if someone simply magically knew what the problem was and told you how to fix it.
I'd go with a multimeter and test if any
current is flowing and where it's not. I'm not an expert (that's why I come here),
but that's how I found the faults in my project.
I tested my BS2 with a multimeter across Vss and Vcc and it shows. I thought I burnt my BS2 but it looks like its working fine and I am having instead a problem with my USB (and serial) to computer connection.
Gee. I am sorry that they require repair! What happened? What kind of Stamps and Stamp environment do they "live" in? Are they complete Stamps contained in a module or individual Stamp chips?
Could they possibly be ok and you are doing something wrong or some other condition has changed?
I just blew up a very nice Parallax Professional Development board. I hope I can fix it, but I imagine I will be buying another one.
Maybe if you provide a little more information, folks can guide you regarding the feasibility of repair.
Good luck!
You are what you write.
But stuff still didn't work, even though everything was good.
It turns out that some components were underpowered so I tested them when the
project was on and found that a component wasn't providing any juice and gave it
it's own power supply.
So, the stamp might not be all bad, it could just be one component.
Thank You Guido
Is the test board of your own design?
When you put a "good" Stamp in it do you use exactly the same power source? What is it?
Are you using the same cable from your PC to the Stamp?
How many of your Stamps "turned" bad?
You have not mentioned whether you are using a BS2 module or something else, such as the BS2-OEM components in your Stamp environment. (And I am just guessing you are talking about the BS2 Stamp.)
I know you would like to make this short and sweet, but if the knowledgeable folks on this forum--which I am not--are going to take a shot at helping you, they will need answers to these questions and perhaps others, as well. In fact, each question you answer will probably generate more questions until your problem is solved. My experience has also been that you MAY find the solution yourself just trying to answer all the questions! To you, that is even better than if someone simply magically knew what the problem was and told you how to fix it.
Hang in there!
You are what you write.
current is flowing and where it's not. I'm not an expert (that's why I come here),
but that's how I found the faults in my project.
Any comments?
This thread is actually intended for Parallax Tech Support so as to get these Stamps fixed.
Thank You All Again