Working LMM Examples
Posts: 11,803
Hi. I'm looking for working LMM examples using the "macros" as defined in the LMM thread kernel.spin file posted by BH. TIA.
jazzed·... about·living in·
Traffic is slow at times, but Parallax orders·always get here fast 8)
jazzed·... about·living in·
Traffic is slow at times, but Parallax orders·always get here fast 8)
While not a novel concept I'm sure, and certainly not used with performance in mind, this code demonstrates using a spin object chain for·printing debug·information to VGA from within LMM assembly.
The LMM·code is based in part on a post by Hippy. I can't seem to make the lmmCall1/2 pieces work but lmmCall without parameters works fine, and I had to add an lmmGetp to deliver hub ram pointers. Suggestions for objective improvement are welcome.
jazzed·... about·living in·
Traffic is slow at times, but Parallax orders·always get here fast 8)