How can I calculate distance via Infrared sensor?
I am using Boe-Bot robot and Gripper, and my scenario is detect object first, approach to the object, and grap it via gripper.
So, I think I need to use infrared sensor, but I think my robot should stop before the object.
How can I get this information from sensor?
Can I have exact distance between object and my robot?
Please give me a soltion.
Thank you in advance.
I am using Boe-Bot robot and Gripper, and my scenario is detect object first, approach to the object, and grap it via gripper.
So, I think I need to use infrared sensor, but I think my robot should stop before the object.
How can I get this information from sensor?
Can I have exact distance between object and my robot?
Please give me a soltion.
Thank you in advance.
What happens is, the amount of IR light that actually matches the IR-Decoder's desired 38500 frequency becomes less and less, and thus the 'detect' range becomes less -- the reflected object has to be closer in order to reflect sufficient light. But this is a very rough approximation, which depends on the textrue and the color of the 'reflecting' surface.
If you MUST have 'exact distances' (which I'm not convinced you do) you could add a 'ping' sensor -- those are accurate to 10' or so.
- Stephen