Help!!! Voltage Regulation!!!
Hello. I am new to Basic Stamps. I have made a robot similar to Boe-Bot. I have an Ultrasonic, 3 irda sensors, one lcd and three servos on it. I would like to know if it is possible to provide power from and external source in the LCD or in the Ultrasonic. I have created a mini power supply from the Education board schematics but both the LCD and the Ultrasonic don't have a normal behavior. They power up and seem to work normal but they don't. I've used an LM2940CT-5.0 P+ regulator and a Capacitor 1000uF/10V. The LCD power up and can do the test in the test mode but cannot print any characters. The Ultrasonic measures the distance but with breaks. Any help it would be appreciated.
Sorry for my poor English
Sorry for my poor English
Just run a wire from your board, where your -9v line from your battery hooks up. This will be the ground. Connect that to your other grounds you mentioned.
Good luck
There are 10 types of people in this world,...
Those that understand binary numbers, and those that don't!!!