experimenting with new a memory stick datalogger
I have been experimenting with new a memory stick datalogger (#27937). I would like to also keep track of Date/time on the memory stick along with the data. I also experimented with a DS1302 clock chip, but when I try to integrate the two or combine the two things together in a program I don't not seem to have memory space. The code for the datalogger seems to occupy a lot of memory. Will I have to have a separate STAMP to keep track of time? Any ideas for this dilemma?
Post Edited By Moderator (Joshua Donelson (Parallax)) : 10/22/2009 9:03:32 PM GMT
I have been experimenting with new a memory stick datalogger (#27937). I would like to also keep track of Date/time on the memory stick along with the data. I also experimented with a DS1302 clock chip, but when I try to integrate the two or combine the two things together in a program I don't not seem to have memory space. The code for the datalogger seems to occupy a lot of memory. Will I have to have a separate STAMP to keep track of time? Any ideas for this dilemma?
Post Edited By Moderator (Joshua Donelson (Parallax)) : 10/22/2009 9:03:32 PM GMT
The FIRST thing I would do is to EDIT your post. Add a TITLE to it, and then folks will be able to know what you're saying. Presently is comes through as NO SUBJECT, which doesn't say much of anything.
Bruce Bates
Involvement and committment can be best understood by looking at a plate of ham and eggs. The chicken was involved, but the pig was committed. ANON
You reposted the message instead of editing this message. That message was removed as it is the second time you have been asked to edit and add a title and have reposted. Duplicate posting is not allowed and is covered in the Forum Guidelines sent to you. There is a pencil icon in the top right of the message. Please click that and edit your message to add a descriptive subject line. Additional duplicate posts will be removed.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Have you considered getting a stamp with a larger internal memory? Also, have you optimized the heck out of your code?
There are 10 kinds of people in the world;
those who understand binary and those who don't.
I am really interested in the answers you receive. However, you will not receive many answers unless you follow Chris' advice and provide a subject for your topic.
I hope you do.
You are what you write.
I use a BS2p, use 3 "slots" for the code - "Slot 0" contains the Main program, "Slot 1" contains the Time setting routines, and "Slot 2" contains the Temp setting routines. I store "Temp Limits" in the 1302 memory.
In the main program, I have the following:
and to invoke the setup routines (Slot 1), this setup
which causes the program in "Slot 1" to run when a Button (connected with pull-up to pin 9) is pressed. When in the "Slot 1" program, one of the options is to return to the main "Slot 0" program and another is to set Temp limits and if selected, this executes the program in "Slot 2" - which has it's own menu options.
I can't say if everything I did is "100% proper", but it all works really slick, quite reliably, and I did it all by following examples and using the HELP extensively. It was fun and a great learning experience!