Dear Sir,
I have bought schribbler, boe-bot and parallax usb oscilloscope last time and used my·previous computer (windows xp) for their programming. Just now I've·bought a new notebook with installed windows vista. Is there any incompatibility issue parallax software (Basic Stamp Editor, Scribbler GUI, USB Oscilloscope)·with windows vista?
May I just install the sofwares in Vista?
Thank you for your information.
Mike only
I have bought schribbler, boe-bot and parallax usb oscilloscope last time and used my·previous computer (windows xp) for their programming. Just now I've·bought a new notebook with installed windows vista. Is there any incompatibility issue parallax software (Basic Stamp Editor, Scribbler GUI, USB Oscilloscope)·with windows vista?
May I just install the sofwares in Vista?
Thank you for your information.
Mike only
Good question, here's some details:
The BASIC Stamp Editor v 2.4 includes the FTDI drivers for Vista that are needed for the Oscilloscope, and the USB Board of Education or the Parallax USB to Serial Adapter if you have them.
The Scribbler GUI Observation Deck, if being used with a USB to Serial Adapter, needs to have the COM port number set to less than 10 (an update will be forthcoming shortly).· The installer for the Scribbler GUI does not work on 64-bit XP or Vista; however the software itself runs.· So, we will be posting a simple zip file of the Scribbler GUI program folder to the Scribbler Downloads page.·
If you find after reinstalling the Scribbler GUI software that the GUI cannot find your BASIC Stamp, try opening the version of the BASIC Stamp Editor that is in the same program folder by clicking on the "piece of paper" button in the GUI toolbar.· Then do a Run>Identify.· If the BASIC Stamp can be seen by the Editor at that point, you should be able to close the Editor and program with the GUI with no further problems.
Regarding the Parallax USB Oscilloscope software:· Version 4.0 of the software, which supports the book Understanding Signals, does not run on Vista.· Version 5.1 of the software does run on Vista.· It has a different interface and feature set from the 4.0 version, and does not support Understanding Signals.· For full details, click here:
I hope this answers everything you need,
-Stephanie Lindsay
Parallax Inc.
I'll install the software and follow your guidance.
Mike only
Now I have another problem. The new notebook doesn't have COM port and I bought a "cheap" USB to Serial adapter with "unknown" manufacturer. I'm not sure how to install the driver because there are many (driver) files on the supplied CD-ROM without any explanation (for xp, vista?). I intend to use the FTDI USB drivers from Parallax for this adapter. My question is, can I use this driver from Parallax? If not, is there any "universal" driver for any USB to Serial adapter?, because I'm afraid not to recognize the company of this "cheap" adapter and actually do not trust its driver on the CD-ROM.
Thank you for your support.
Mike only
-Stephanie Lindsay
(sorry PhiPi if I flubbed the terminology there!)
vista or not)
Thanks for your information. I'll try to connect my Education Board (BS2) and also USB ossiloscope with this cable.
Mike only
Borth either the Education Board (BS2)·or USB oscilloscope can work perfectly. The board can recognize the HL340 driver and USB oscilloscope installed its own driver upon pluging it in the notebook usb connector. Now I can start to programm my BS2 again. Thanks a lot
Note: I haven't tested to programm the scribbler, but I think it will work also.
Mike Only