temp/hum with rf modules

Hi all,
The next values would be send by the transmitter (temperature and humidty values) coming from the SHT11:
·· sync, temp.HIGHBYTE, temp.LOWBYTE, hum.HIGHBYTE, hum.LOWBYTE, crc.HIGHBYTE, crc.LOWBYTE
Now i use the next code for the receiver.
This works great but i was wondering if this receiver code could be better.
Post Edited (Tumbler) : 4/8/2008 8:38:38 AM GMT
The next values would be send by the transmitter (temperature and humidty values) coming from the SHT11:
·· sync, temp.HIGHBYTE, temp.LOWBYTE, hum.HIGHBYTE, hum.LOWBYTE, crc.HIGHBYTE, crc.LOWBYTE
Now i use the next code for the receiver.
This works great but i was wondering if this receiver code could be better.

'{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} clrLCD CON 12 ' Clear entire LCD screen. LightOn CON 14 ' lcd light on LightOff CON 15 ' lcd light off posCmd CON 16 ' Position cursor. ESC CON 27 ' Escape code for graphics instructions. n9600 CON $4054 ' Baudmode for 9600 bps, inverted. DEGR CON 128 ' x VAR Word y VAR Word crc VAR Word i VAR Word temp VAR Word hum VAR Word sync VAR Word key VAR Word ' Initialize: SEROUT 4,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]LightOn,clrLCD,ESC,"F",64,ESC,"E",66] ' Clear screen and reset font. key = "!" PAUSE 1000 DO 'get data from receiver SERIN 7, 16468, [noparse][[/noparse]sync, x.HIGHBYTE, x.LOWBYTE, y.HIGHBYTE, y.LOWBYTE, crc.HIGHBYTE, crc.LOWBYTE] IF sync = key AND x+y = crc THEN 'let see if it's legal data we reveived temp = x 'crc is correct: let see the temp and hum. on the lcd hum = y DEBUG DEC temp,":",DEC hum,":",crc FREQOUT 0,30,500 'play a tone if received a legal crc ENDIF i=i+1 IF i = 300 THEN 'swich to temp screen SEROUT 4,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]posCmd,90,ESC,"F",67,ESC,"E",67,DEC (temp / 10), ",", DEC1 temp,ESC,"F",64,posCmd,79,DEC (hum / 10), ",", DEC1 hum,"%"] PAUSE 100 'big temp value and small hum. value to LCD ENDIF IF i = 600 THEN 'switch to humidity screen SEROUT 4,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]posCmd,90,ESC,"F",67,ESC,"E",68,DEC (hum / 10), ",", DEC1 hum,ESC,"F",64,posCmd,79,DEC (temp / 10), ",", DEC1 temp,DEGR] PAUSE 100 'big hum. and small temp value to LCD i=0 ENDIF LOOP
Post Edited (Tumbler) : 4/8/2008 8:38:38 AM GMT