Servo Malfunction?
I have been playing around with a source code for my Boe-Bot. I was testing the whiskers out, when I noticed that one servo worked while the other did not. I switched the connections on the bread board, then I noticed the opposite. In other words when connected one way the servo on the right turned, when the wires were switched to the opposite side, the left turned. So both servos turn but not at the same time.
Oh yeah also before I got to testing and learning about whiskers both servos were turning at the same time.
I have been playing around with a source code for my Boe-Bot. I was testing the whiskers out, when I noticed that one servo worked while the other did not. I switched the connections on the bread board, then I noticed the opposite. In other words when connected one way the servo on the right turned, when the wires were switched to the opposite side, the left turned. So both servos turn but not at the same time.
Oh yeah also before I got to testing and learning about whiskers both servos were turning at the same time.
Provide more information. Check your wiring. Check your program.
Your experiment shows that the servos work. Your connection to one servo may be wrong. Your program may be wrong. Since both servos worked at one time, there's something you've done while testing and learning about the whiskers that has caused things not to work properly any more.
Does anyone know where I can learn about programming? I am entering in the ASME competition and need to change a program that I have it running with it. PLease advise anyone?!??!