Interest in buying AMOLED screens?
![Timothy D. Swieter](
I love OLED screens.· They are amazingly thin and beautiful pictures can be displayed on them with breathtaking colors.· If·you have·seen·an OLED screen, then you know what·I am talking about.· Recently I saw·a handful of Active Matrix OLED (AMOLED) screens.· WOW!· WOW!
I got a line on a distributor here in Hong Kong that sells·AMOLEDs.· I·am considering purchasing a handful to sell through· and I wanted to see if there is interest from the community to purchase this item.· Since Brilldea is·just starting up·there is limited capital and·we·don't want to make a purchase without·first understanding the interest in the community.· The screen that I am considering is a 2.0" AMOLED with a 176 x 220 pixel resolution.· The display is capabled of 262,000 colors.··Brilldea would sell the display only which·is basically a·construction of glass·and a flexible printed circuit board with contact points (like other OLED displays).· There is·controller·chip on the·FPC·for driving the OLED, but an interface to a microcontroller is required to run the display in an 8/16 bit mode.··There may also be an SPI mode, but it would have to be very fast.
The display·would not really work with the·Basic Stamp.· The display may work with the Propeller·but the·Propeller does not·have much memory for having screen buffers for a screen of·this resolution so you would have to be creative.· Eventually·Brilldea will offer a·development to assist with the connections.
Pricing for the display would be US$59.95 per display plus US$4.00 shipping and handling from Hong Kong (postal service).·
Let me know if you are interested.··You can post here or drop me a private message.·····
Timothy D. Swieter·- check out the uOLED-IOC, an I/O expansion for the uOLED-96-PROP
One little spark of imagination is all it takes for an idea to explode
I got a line on a distributor here in Hong Kong that sells·AMOLEDs.· I·am considering purchasing a handful to sell through· and I wanted to see if there is interest from the community to purchase this item.· Since Brilldea is·just starting up·there is limited capital and·we·don't want to make a purchase without·first understanding the interest in the community.· The screen that I am considering is a 2.0" AMOLED with a 176 x 220 pixel resolution.· The display is capabled of 262,000 colors.··Brilldea would sell the display only which·is basically a·construction of glass·and a flexible printed circuit board with contact points (like other OLED displays).· There is·controller·chip on the·FPC·for driving the OLED, but an interface to a microcontroller is required to run the display in an 8/16 bit mode.··There may also be an SPI mode, but it would have to be very fast.
The display·would not really work with the·Basic Stamp.· The display may work with the Propeller·but the·Propeller does not·have much memory for having screen buffers for a screen of·this resolution so you would have to be creative.· Eventually·Brilldea will offer a·development to assist with the connections.
Pricing for the display would be US$59.95 per display plus US$4.00 shipping and handling from Hong Kong (postal service).·
Let me know if you are interested.··You can post here or drop me a private message.·····
Timothy D. Swieter·- check out the uOLED-IOC, an I/O expansion for the uOLED-96-PROP
One little spark of imagination is all it takes for an idea to explode
Thank you for the feedback.
Timothy D. Swieter·- check out the uOLED-IOC, an I/O expansion for the uOLED-96-PROP
One little spark of imagination is all it takes for an idea to explode