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Controlling a ceiling light with BS2? — Parallax Forums

Controlling a ceiling light with BS2?

GICU812GICU812 Posts: 289
edited 2008-04-05 03:32 in BASIC Stamp
Okay, before anyone warns me, yes I know what im doing with 120AC, I've got experience with HV, not that 120AC would really qualify as HV.

Eventually what·I would like to do is replace my light switches with capacitance touch pannels that can also be activated\reset by a central BS2 controller. This controller will·hopefully be connected to a voice recognition module like VR Stamp, thats getting a little out there. I like to work in stages. First I need to build, or buy, something that can switch 120V and be controlled by a simple signal.

Seems the simplest thing would be to use a flip flop and a relay.
(I just noticed I need to switch Clock to 12+, not -, so I got that) Does anyone have a part number for a good D-type single Flipflop? all I can find are dual hex and octals, I only need one per box.

I dont know anything about TRIAC's other than they are simular to a transistor but for AC. Would they be a better fit? Does anyone know of a better solution than my relay idea?

My initial thought was to run 4 wire phone line to each switch box, then use DC relays. One wire would be 12VDC, another ground, then the other 2 would be for set\reset.
But·if 12VDC is lost then the lights are inoperable,·so this isnt the best option,·any advice to that end would be appreciated.

Once I get a working switch, then I can move on to the touch pannels, then the more advanced controls. Seems the Stamp controls should be simple, just a transistor to these circuits.



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