Psc and set pins to zero voltage ?
After going through many post and doing on line reading I'am forced to ask this question and it may be a silly one.
Is there a way with the use of software to set a certain channel on the psc to stay in none powered state ie ( no pulse's
no power until other wise directed to do so). After reading one of Mr. Savage's post "When powered properly the device
is in an uninitialized state with all servos received 1.5 ms pulses and the PSC is ready to receive commands." I think
I'am barking up a dead tree just thought I would ask and make sure. I know I can do it with hardware and simple line
to of code I just wish not use any more pins than I have to and keep to hardware as simple and clean as posible..
Thanks in advance Richard
Is there a way with the use of software to set a certain channel on the psc to stay in none powered state ie ( no pulse's
no power until other wise directed to do so). After reading one of Mr. Savage's post "When powered properly the device
is in an uninitialized state with all servos received 1.5 ms pulses and the PSC is ready to receive commands." I think
I'am barking up a dead tree just thought I would ask and make sure. I know I can do it with hardware and simple line
to of code I just wish not use any more pins than I have to and keep to hardware as simple and clean as posible..
Thanks in advance Richard
That is correct…At startup all channels are receiving 1.5ms pulses and there is no way to stop this per channel via any command. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support