Programming BS2 on Mac OS X
I've had this BS2 for years but am a Mac geek so finally had to figure out how to program it on Mac.
Can't wait to put it to good use again-- prototyping IR telemetry for Pokey and/or as a controller for Sparky and/or for continuing to fiddle with the speech synthesizer chip.
Short version:
1. Get MacBS2 and install
2. Install some kind of usb to serial DB9 adapter (I have an old Keyspan) & software
Run MacBS2 and select to install Parallax's tokenizer library (thanks Parallax!!)
Slightly more detail on my blog post.
Hopefully this helps others...
Michael Shimniok
Bot Thoughts robotics chronicles
Can't wait to put it to good use again-- prototyping IR telemetry for Pokey and/or as a controller for Sparky and/or for continuing to fiddle with the speech synthesizer chip.
Short version:
1. Get MacBS2 and install
2. Install some kind of usb to serial DB9 adapter (I have an old Keyspan) & software
Run MacBS2 and select to install Parallax's tokenizer library (thanks Parallax!!)
Slightly more detail on my blog post.
Hopefully this helps others...
Michael Shimniok
Bot Thoughts robotics chronicles
I've installed MacBS2, the tokenizer library, and the FTDI drivers, but my mac fails to see my Stamp?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Flying is simple. You just throw yourself at the ground and miss.
"I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image."
Stephen Hawking
When you go into MacBS2 and select Serial Port from Stamp menu with the board plugged in and turned on you don't see a serial port listed?
Unfortunately I don't have a USB BOE to try it out with. But happy to help you troubleshoot...
Michael Shimniok
Bot Thoughts robotics tinkering
This is almost always due to one of three things:
1) The Stamp doesn't have power applied or it's inadequate (because the Stamp has to be running to identify itself to MacBS2)
2) The I/O drivers are not installed properly or you have an old version (Always get the latest from FTDI's website)
3) (Not a problem with the USB BOE) You have a USB adapter that doesn't implement the DTR handshake line properly