BS2 and speakjet
I apologize to anyone who’s read a similar post in the Sandbox Forum . I have reposted this thread in the BasicStamp’s forum following the advice of Joshua Donelson. In hopes to receive more hits…I would like to thank Stephen and Mike for their previous suggestions in the other thread taking their advice and I made sure that the stamp and board could communicate directly through serial communicate and the wiring was correct and both the board and stamp share a ground through DB9.5.
This is the problem…
My issue is the tigerbotics speakjet board and BS2 don’t feel like talking to each other.
I attempted to use the Speakjet Demo program ....silence.
This is what I know
[*]The BS2 and carrier board connections are good with no short or open circuits
pinout for BS2 to tigerbotics board:
Pin 15 --> DB9.2
Pin 14 <-- DB9.8
Ground -- DB9.5
[*]When the BS2 and speakjet are connected together; the BS2 runs the speakjet_demo.BS2 and the speakjet shows no activity.
I thought it might be a good idea to confirm that they're synched using the same baud rate. I placed the tigerbotics speakjet board into baud rate configure mode as explained on page 5 of the speakjet manual and sent the baud rate configure sync character hex 55 looped at 9600 baud, 8 bit, no-parity, 1 stop bit ,.
I hope this is a pretty good description of my problem. If anything seems unclear please don't hesitate to ask...any and all suggestions are more then welcome!
This is the problem…
My issue is the tigerbotics speakjet board and BS2 don’t feel like talking to each other.
I attempted to use the Speakjet Demo program ....silence.
This is what I know
[*]The BS2 and carrier board connections are good with no short or open circuits
pinout for BS2 to tigerbotics board:
Pin 15 --> DB9.2
Pin 14 <-- DB9.8
Ground -- DB9.5
[*]When the BS2 and speakjet are connected together; the BS2 runs the speakjet_demo.BS2 and the speakjet shows no activity.
I thought it might be a good idea to confirm that they're synched using the same baud rate. I placed the tigerbotics speakjet board into baud rate configure mode as explained on page 5 of the speakjet manual and sent the baud rate configure sync character hex 55 looped at 9600 baud, 8 bit, no-parity, 1 stop bit ,.
[color=#800080]DIRD[/color] =%0001 fm PIN 15 tm PIN 14 [color=#000099]DO[/color] [color=#000099]SEROUT[/color] fm/tm,84,[noparse][[/noparse]$55] [color=#000099]LOOP[/color] [color=#000099]END[/color]
I hope this is a pretty good description of my problem. If anything seems unclear please don't hesitate to ask...any and all suggestions are more then welcome!
You mention a tigerbotic speech board. I don't know if it works the same as the soundgin board that he sells.
Perhaps you could look at the soundgin docs.
He does have documentation on how to make the speakjet talk using serial connection. See this PDF
I just ordered a speakjet chip from him. I will keep an eye on this thread to see how you progress and let you know how things work out for me.