Secret Hardware Multiplier
We've been hearing lots about the Propeller2 lately. One of the neat things it has is a hardware multiplier.
But Parallax has been holding out on us! There's a hidden multiplier in your Propeller 1!! It's triggered with the lovely MUL assembly instruction.
This opens us all up to a whole new world of DSP awesomeness!
Sample code that multiplies 8000 by 10000:
Happy multiplying!
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But Parallax has been holding out on us! There's a hidden multiplier in your Propeller 1!! It's triggered with the lovely MUL assembly instruction.
This opens us all up to a whole new world of DSP awesomeness!
Sample code that multiplies 8000 by 10000:
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 VAR LONG a, b OBJ term : "VGA_Text" PUB start | cog a := 8000 b := 10000 term.start(16) term.dec(a) term.str(string(" * ")) term.dec(b) term.str(string(" = ")) cog := cognew(@testmul, @a) waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq) term.dec(b) ' b after multiply cogstop(cog) repeat DAT ORG 0 testmul MOV t1, par ' Appropriate the A parameter RDLONG _a, @t1 ' Provide the data ADD t1, #4 ' Release t1, making it a pointer to B RDLONG _b, @t1 ' Internalize the data MUL _a, _b ' Look here <------ WOW AMAZING! Result in B. WRLONG _b, t1 ' Forward the data back to SPIN. :stop JMP #:stop _a LONG 0 ' Overshadowed A parameter. _b LONG 0 ' Overshadowed B parameter. t1 LONG 0 ' Loaded with parameter addresses. FIT 496 ' Squeeze it all in (HA!)
Happy multiplying!
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How did you find it?
OK - assuming this find isn't date related (1/4/2008)- its on page 419 as a reserved PASM word, and the IDE picks it up - but no documentation seems to be in the manual...... (not checked the errata!)
But it doesn't appear to work - 10 x 10 seems to give 10, 80 x 100 gives 163.....
Post Edited (Javalin) : 4/1/2008 7:31:39 PM GMT
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That's why it is secret. It's probably this way because it doesn't set the flags (Z & C) correctly, so people wouldn't use it in production code. And also it doesn't seem to work with negative numbers.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Read the first letter of each line of ASM comments :-P
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The value in _b is wrong. The ASM does a RDLONG of the address of the address of VAR B. The value in that HUB RAM happens to be 8000000. So I just picked 2 numbers that multiplied to it and arranged the code so MUL didn't zero the value.
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Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
mul a,b is equivalent to mov a,#0. It sets flags accordingly (sets Z and clears C) if flags are requested.
dfletch, its a good thing your working on a compiler otherwise you might be sorry
I think you had several of us going for awhile...
Intended ? Bug ? Magic ?
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